
As the most popular social media platform in the world, Facebook presents a powerful opportunity for businesses to connect with customers online. Maintaining a professional Facebook Page for a business requires uploading up-to-date, relevant, ‘likeable’ photos that adhere to the site’s size requirements for cover photos and profile pictures.

Cover Photo

  • Recommended size: 851 x 315
  • Minimum size: 399 x 150
  • Display size on computers: 828 x 315
  • Display size on smartphones: 640 x 360

Profile Picture

  • Minimum size: 180 x 180
  • Computer display size: 160 x 160
  • Mobile display size: 128 x 128
  • Feature phone display size: 50 x 50
  • Thumbnail size: 32 x 32

How To Do It

When setting your Facebook cover photo, it’s best to choose a unique image that is easily identifiable and accurately represents the business. Facebook recommends using an RGB JPG file of no more than 100 kilobytes to ensure quick loading time. Facebook displays cover photos at 828 x 315 on computers and reduces the size to 640 x 360 for mobile users, so the recommended upload size is 851 x 315 pixels.

Your profile picture is the face of your brand on Facebook. Choose wisely to ensure your image is high-quality, relevant to your business, and fits neatly into the square space reserved for your profile picture. Although profile pictures are displayed at different dimensions depending on the user’s device, they must be uploaded at 180 x 180 pixels and cropped to fit a square. For both profile pictures and cover photos, a PNG file is suggested if the image contains a logo or text.

What NOT To Do

Your cover photo is publicly viewable by anyone who visits your Facebook page, so it’s important to follow Facebook’s guidelines and restrictions. For instance, you can’t ask Facebook users to add your cover photo to their personal Timelines. You must also adhere to the following rules for both cover photos and profile pictures:

  • The image can’t feature third party products or brands.
  • The image can’t be copyrighted.
  • The image can’t be misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive.

Obviously, none of the images on your social media pages should contain fraudulent content anyway, since that would be a poor way to represent your brand online.

Best Image Sizes for a #Facebook Page via @Advice_Local
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If you want more tips for managing your business’s Facebook photos or improving your social media presence, reach out to Advice Local today. Contact us online or call us at 855-714-7634.

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