Google My Business is easier to manage now with Advice Local’s GMB Tool

At Advice Local, we’re all about our partners, we’re all about local search and we are definitely all about Google My Business (GMB). And why are we all about Google My Business? We’re glad you asked, let’s get to it!

Google Owns Search Engine Market Share

It’s simple – Google controls the web. According to Statista, as of April 2020 Google had 86.02% of the market share. While this number has declined 4 percentage points since 2010, it holds pretty steady in this range.

Since Google controls the web, imagine their massive influence over consumers – what they see in search results, where they shop – and which businesses’ websites they frequent. They have a captive audience like no other search engine.

This is exactly why at Advice Local we are all about Google My Business, and our latest technology integration is focused 100% on helping our agency and brand partners to better serve their SMB customers with Google My Business management.

Introducing Our Enhanced Google My Business Tool

Our newest technology integration, Enhanced GMB Tool, makes it easier for you to manage multiple Google My Business listings from a single dashboard.

For our current Advice Local platform partners, this GMB tool is available in your dashboard right now. Simply go to the location you would like to use the tool for, and head over to the Order tab. From there, you’ll be able to select Enhanced GMB Tool and place your order. If you have questions along the way, be sure to reach out to your account manager.

Here’s a peek into everything our powerful new Google My Business tool has to offer.

1. Google My Business Posts

You can schedule a single Google My Business post in advance for a single location, or across all of a multi-location brand’s GMB listings. Our GMB tool takes it even further and lets you customize the post with dynamic field insertion.

You can easily insert the business name, city, phone number and website URL within the post. And when you add the fields it will customize the post automatically for all the locations you are posting to.

All the GMB post features available within the GMB listing are available within the dashboard. It’s simple to use, and such a time saver. Being able to schedule posts months and months in advance for one location or 100 with a few clicks is a winner.

2. Upload Photos to the GMB Listing

How many times have you needed to upload the same image across multiple business listings? Just keeping track of which location you already uploaded the image to is frustrating. And each time, optimizing the EXIF data of the image so it’s specific to that location?

Our GMB tool makes it easy to upload images across multiple GMB listings and will automatically add the EXIF data appropriate for the location(s) you have selected for the photo to publish to. This is available for scheduling also, so you can drip out photos to your client’s GMB listings over time rather than all at once.

3. Review Monitoring and Responding

Yes, you read that correctly – review responding. From a single dashboard you monitor reviews for all the locations for a brand, and reply to each one individually. You never have to leave our dashboard. While a few other tools may offer this feature, it is not as simple as this.

You’ll be able to see information such as if the review has already been replied to by another team member, and if someone has replied, even change the review response. Again, it’s so simple – and truly an important functionality to leverage.

4. Access Historical Insights Data

Through the GMB listing itself you can get a snapshot of insights data for a specific location. Through our GMB tool, you can get historical insights data and compare it to previous periods.

You’ll be able to evaluate at-a-glance items, like if the map views are going up for a specific listing, or going down, and if the GMB listing search appearance is on a rise or a decline! All of the features available within GMB insights are available from our dashboard at a glance – for one location or for all of them. This feature alone is extremely powerful in demonstrating to your local business clients how the effort you’re putting into their GMB listing is paying off. If you are not sure why GMB insights data is important, here’s why.

#GoogleMyBusiness Management Just Got Easier via @BernieColeman #GMB #SEO
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Scalable Google My Business Solutions Are a Click Away

We’re all about local search made easy – and this Google My Business Tool for agencies and multi-location brands will definitely make local search easier for you, your team members and more importantly, your local business clients.

We just made managing your clients’ GMB listings simple. Request a demo and learn all about this feature and our other listing management solutions.


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