Google My Business Sync Keeps Your Client’s Listing Up-to-Date | Advice Local

Today, I’m going to share with you about a hidden gem available in our partner dashboard, Google My Business Sync, or GMB Sync for short. It’s available for all partners – using our Google My Business Claiming service is not required. And there is no additional cost for using this feature.

Using the Google My Business Sync feature has some real benefits, too.

Benefits of Google My Business Sync

  1. Easily update your client’s GMB listings from our dashboard. As long as you have the accurate data in the edit client section, we can update it to their Google My Business listing.
  2. You can see at a glance what information is on your client’s GMB listing right from the partner dashboard.
  3. If you have GMB Sync turned on, with a few clicks you can protect certain fields you do not want Advice Local to sync to the GMB listing. For instance, if you are using a tracking phone number or tracking URL on the client’s GMB listing, you may not want those synced.

Who Can Use Advice Local’s GMB Sync Feature?

This feature is available in all our partner dashboards. So yes, partners who are still on our legacy dashboard, you can use GMB Sync too. However, the protected fields feature is not available in the legacy dashboard. Legacy partners, you’re also missing out on many other features such as our Google My Business tool that lets you schedule images, GMB posts and Questions & Answers to your client’s Google My Business listing. You can even respond directly to GMB reviews through our GMB tool.

How to Turn On Google My Business Sync

Click your email address on the top right. A dropdown will appear. Click GMB Config. From here you can give your Advice Local partner dashboard access to your GMB listings. You will be required to log into the account that you manage those listings with. Once you grant access, you’ll want to set up the protected fields.

Google My Business Sync Partner Settings Example

You’ll want to click the checkbox to turn ON the fields you want to protect. If you do not want to protect the fields, you simply would NOT check any of the boxes. Additionally, you are setting the default settings for ALL the clients listed in your dashboard, not a single Google My Business listing.

Once you have set up GMB Config, you can select an active client’s account. You’ll want to click Enhanced GMB to view the Google My Business listing data. From there, select the Location Data tab. You’ll now be able to view the data that we have in our database in comparison to the data in GMB.

Google My Business Listing Sync Example

As you can see above, if you have the protected fields turned on, you can import the data in GMB to our database in the Advice Local database at an individual level. Additionally, if you would like, you can Schedule a one-time GMB Sync for a specific client.

You Need Google My Business Help? We’ve Got Solutions

At Advice Local, we’re all about providing superior listing management solutions and tools to our partners. Google My Business Sync is just one of the many features we have available. Request a demo today to learn how we can help you to help your local business and brand clients expand their digital footprint online.

The post Google My Business Sync Keeps Your Client’s Listing Up-to-Date appeared first on Advice Local.

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