Our Google My Business Tool Lets You Add Questions & Answers

Managing a Google My Business (GMB) listing is no joke. It takes effort, a plan and when possible, a tool. This is exactly why we added a GMB tool to our product suite.

Add Google My Business Questions & Answers With Our GMB Tool

I’m so excited to share this with you – a new feature was added to our Enhanced GMB Tool. Through our tool, you can now add Questions & Answers to your clients’ Google My Business listings. You can also answer questions posted by the public – score!

GMB Tool Questions & Answers Example

Shown above is an example of how easy it is to add a Question and an Answer to a Google My Business listing with our tool. Sure, when you’re managing one GMB listing it’s pretty simple to log in directly to that GMB listing and add a question, but have you tried it for 10 or more listings? What about monitoring the Questions & Answers for more than one listing? Now consider a multi-location brand or business where you need to add the same question and answer across all their listings? It can get really complicated to track which listing you have added the questions to, reviewed, and so on. Now calculate how time consuming this is for you and/or your team members – or even for your client.

With our GMB tool you can select which GMB listings the Question and Answer should be added to. You can add the question to all of them with a Select All option, or select the listings individually.

GMB Tool Select Multiple Locations Example

Shown above is an example of the option to select the listing you would like the Question and Answer added to individually. Notice the date and time option. You can schedule when these questions and answers will appear on the listing.

Using filters, you can even elect to see the unanswered questions only. This makes it so easy to see all the business listings you manage at a glance.

GMB Tool Filters Example

Did you know that the keywords within questions and answers can help a business listing to surface in the local map pack for certain queries? These mentions can absolutely make all the difference within a GMB business listing.

Our Google My Business Tool Is Powerful

Yes, there is more – Questions and Answers isn’t the only feature available through our Enhanced GMB Tool. Here’s a summary of what you can do with our powerful Google My Business tool.

  • Schedule GMB Posts
  • Schedule GMB Photos
  • Schedule Questions & Answers
  • Monitor and respond to Reviews
  • Monitor Questions and Answers
  • Access Historical Insights data

All of these features are available at the single location or multi-location level. You can complete these activities on one single GMB listing through the tool, or on all of them. It really is that powerful and that simple.

Keeping a GMB listing updated is one of the best ways (and with our GMB tool, the easiest) to help that client’s listing to surface more often in the Local Map Pack.

If your client wants direct access to the GMB tool, you can delegate user level access to their business listing in our platform, and they’ll be able to do the monitoring, responding and scheduling within our Google My Business enhanced tool.

Our #Google My Business #Tool Lets You Add Questions & Answers via @BernieColeman #GMB
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Expertise Is Important and We Can Help You Demonstrate It

As you may recall, earlier I spoke about why local businesses need to demonstrate their expertise online, and ways to accomplish this. Well, our Google My Business tool is the perfect solution to make this possible.

At Advice Local, it’s our mission to provide superior listing management solutions and tools for our partners. Request a demo today and you can learn all about this GMB tool, plus all our product features.

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