Lynde Griggs
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To date, Belle & Sparrows has sent volunteers on over 65 mission trips - both locally and globally. On these trips, opportunities are given for economic sustainability to women around the world. Belle & Sparrows believes in providing opportunities for women to go and serve other women through a mission trip experience. Many women in our community, nation, and world are facing insurmountable odds to not only keep their families together, but to do that in a way that is uplifting and not demeaning. Teams actively come alongside these women to lift them up and help them with support and skills they need while also sharing with them about the redeeming love of Christ! 

Belle & Sparrows needs volunteers to come alongside these women to: 

  • Teach skills for women to earn income
  • Provide medical care
  • Lead in bible teaching and share testimonies
  • Encourage women through prayer and friendship
  • Support local ministry partner

If you are interested in joining Belle & Sparrows on a life changing mission trip, click the link below to find out more information. All you need is a desire to share the love of Christ with women who need to hear they are worthy and loved by a gracious Father. There are currently 2 trips on the calendar:

  • New Mexico - November 6-10, 2022
  • Guatemala - January 27-February 3, 2023 




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