Lynde Griggs
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“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” - Anne Frank

Belle and Sparrows, a McKinney based non-profit that serves marginalized and under-resourced women is trying to defy darkness by lighting the way with its social enterprise program, The Stella Projects Candles for Change. Launched in October of 2020, these survivor made candles are hand-poured by women rebuilding their lives. The philosophy behind The Stella Projects- Candles for Change is dual purposed; when supplemental income is provided through candle making and job skills training is provided, change can happen. Our customers are not only getting a beautiful candle but also making an investment in a woman's future.

For many of the women Belle and Sparrows serves, second (or third) chances are essential for women to succeed. Suffering traumatic backgrounds of incarceration, abuse, drugs and trafficking many of these women are left hopeless and without opportunity. By eliminating barriers, Belle and Sparrows, provides hope, meaningful employment, and restores dignity to women so they can be on their journey towards financial independence.

To date, two women are currently employed, earning supplemental income and making candles with over 600 candles have been sold since the launch in October. As more and more candles sell, Belle and Sparrows will be able continue to light the way and employ more women.

To find out more about Belle and Sparrows, The Stella Projects and how to purchase a candle please visit






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