Lynde Griggs


Now that you are all shopped's time to GIVE BACK.

Make sure to add

Belle and Sparrows

to your list for #givingtuesday!

Belle and Sparrows is a local non-profit whose aim is to reach women worldwide with the message of hope and worthiness. Both locally and internationally women around the world have struggled to know that they matter and are worthy. Belle and Sparrows serves women who have been marginalized and brings the message that they are BEAUTIFUL. NOT FORGOTTEN.

What is Giving Tuesday?

Entering its sixth year, #givingtuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, #givingtuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. 


We are on a mission

and your charitable giving will help us be in more places and reach more women

with the message of hope and worthiness.

Will you donate today? or Text GIVE to 443-991-7363

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