Lynde Griggs
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Guatemala Mission Trip 2023_Linkedin Cover_Belle &

Belle and Sparrows is a McKinney nonprofit that empowers, trains and employs at-risk and under-resourced women locally and globally by bringing teams of women to support, serve and train. On January 27, Belle and Sparrows will take its 6th trip to Guatemala to work with indigenous Mayan women in the costal mountain village of Tabacal. This year's team consists of 8 women from varying backgrounds and locations in North Texas who are coming together with one common goal; to serve.

While in Guatemala, the team from Belle and Sparrows will provide a small medical clinic, seeing patients from the village with minor ailments. Along with the clinic, the team will bring business kits to teach the women an artisan craft they can sell. Finally, the team will bring encouragement and hope as they host a women's conference for the women of the village.

Our vision is a future where all women will lead a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity. Women will only realize their God-given potential when they know they are worthy to receive it, and Belle and Sparrows wants to help women hear that message. If you would like to partner with the Belle and Sparrows team in Guatemala and purchase items from their supply list, please visit the Amazon List. To find out more, where we serve and how to get involved, visit Belle and Sparrows.

Lynde Griggs
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Imagine if you will...

You have a problem with your plumbing, your water is shut off and you must go without a shower or the ability able to flush the toilet until the plumber can make it in a couple of days. What do you do? Tough it out? Go to a friend’s house or check into a hotel?

Going to a friend’s house or to a hotel was not an option for one of our beloved candle makers; she was in between housing and living in her Honda with her twin 11-year son and daughter. Let that sink in for a moment, three humans living in a Honda. After candle making one Saturday, she was going to drive to a mobile shower unit so she could bathe. While having mobile showers available for those in need is something every city should have, it is still a demoralizing experience that only reinforces the stigma of homelessness.

When we found out she was going to the mobile shower, we insisted that she take as much time as she needed and take a long hot shower in the privacy of our office and not in view of those around. You see, we are blessed to have two full bathrooms with showers in our office. I quickly drove to the store, purchased a plush bath towel, and with toiletry donations we had on hand she was able to care for herself, by herself with dignity.

Restoring dignity and eliminating barriers are core to what we are about. Our goal for this Giving Tuesday is $18,000. This is what it takes to open our doors at our office for one year.

We need: 18 -$1000 Gifts OR 36 - $500 Gifts OR 180 - $100 Gifts

We need you in order to achieve this goal so that our office can continue to be a beacon of hope and place of refuge to women we are called to serve. Donate today or mark your calendar for Tuesday the 29th if you want to give on the actual day. Thank you in advance for pouring into women rebuilding their lives.

Lynde Griggs
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unGala Invitation_Belle & Sparrows_2022 (1080 × 48

Belle and Sparrows is a by women for women non-profit that reaches women both locally and globally. We stand in the gap for marginalized women around the world by:

  • Teaching them skills for economic sustainability
  •  Providing encouragement as they brave the struggles of addiction and/or incarceration
  •  Helping them overcome the trauma of being trafficked or escaping the sex trade industry
  • Helping them find their worth after exiting an abusive relationship
  • Sharing a Bible study, time of prayer, and sharing of testimonies.  

We rely on money raised throughout the year so we can continue to support these women. One of our largest fundraisers is the unGala, held every Fall. We call it an unGala because it's not your typical formal affair! It's an evening of celebration and fellowship, and we want you to be comfortable and have a great time! This year's unGala funds will be supporting The Stella Center.

The Stella Center provides a safe environment for women who are rebuilding their lives to earn supplemental income & provides them with a job while they are learning new skills. The center not only empowers them to continue their journey but also stands beside them as they succeed. Our vision is a future where all women will lead a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity.

You are invited to join us at this year's unGala and Be The Change in our Community by standing In the gap for women who need our support. Tickets are $60 and include dinner, drinks, dancing, and a silent auction. The investment in a woman's life, though, is PRICELESS.

Lynde Griggs
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Private Label Candles_The Stella Projects_Cover .j

When we started The Stella Projects candle line, our desire was to create a sustainable product that could provide employment, income, and training to women rebuilding their lives after addiction, incarceration, homelessness, domestic violence, and other traumas.

To date, we have hired two women working to make our candles while receiving paid training on skills such as personal finances, computers, and resumes/interviews. It has been incredible to see how this program and our social enterprise efforts have provided for these women.

We are excited to have businesses use our candles for branding and promotional purposes. We have realtors, mortgage groups, and banks that have created Private Labels for our candles to use at events, client appreciation, and employee gifts. This has been a great way to sell more of our candles and share more about our mission, but also for businesses to give something that is unique and impactful to the community. Every candle sold is an investment in a woman's future.

The Stella Projects candles are hand poured with 100% soy wax, phthalate-free fragrance oil, and wicks made of cotton, containing no lead, zinc, or other metals. They are beautifully boxed with matches, ready for gift giving.

The Holiday Season is the perfect time to give The Stella Projects candles to your employees, customers, and partners. If you are interested in creating a private label for our candles, please contact Lynde Griggs via email -


Lynde Griggs
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See those women?

They are just a few of the women we serve through Belle & Sparrows at The Stella Center. All of their stories are different, but they have one thing in common - they need to hear they are loved, seen, and worthy.

We do that through serving locally at rehabilitation centers, employing & training women rebuilding their lives, and going on mission trips. All that takes money, and on North Texas Giving Day, we have set a goal of $10,000 so we can continue to stand in the gap for these women. Will you stand with us?

You can donate through the link below. We thank you for your generosity and investing in the future of women in our community and around the world.

Lynde Griggs
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In 2018, we saw an increasing gap in services for women exiting recovery programs. This led to research, time in prayer, and the call to begin The Stella Projects. The Stella Projects' mission is to restore dignity and quality of life to women by eliminating barriers to success through entrepreneurial development, innovative education, training, and community-driven programs.

Our newest sustainability initiative under The Stella Projects is our candle line. We employ women that have graduated out of local recovery programs and are on their own, usually supporting their children. Rebuilding a life after any trauma (addiction, abuse, incarceration, homelessness, trafficking) is extremely difficult and these women need job experience, training, and money. Without someone standing in the gap for them, they are likely to return to the situations that put them in the margins, to begin with.

 We pride ourselves in making high-end candles that are made with 100% soy wax, phthalate-free fragrance oil, and wicks made of cotton, containing no lead, zinc, or other metals. Every candle is hand poured by the local artisans we employ and come beautifully packaged in a classic glass jar. We have several scents to choose from, including rotating seasonal fragrances. The perfect candle to please even the most discriminating noses!

You can find us online by clicking the website below, and you can visit us on September 18 at The Adriatica Wine Walk where we will have our candles available for purchase. We also welcome appointments at our offices located at 205 Wilcox in McKinney to tour our program and smell the candles.

If you are interested in hosting a candle pop-up shop, private candle labels, or other ways to support The Stella Projects, please email Lynde Griggs -

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!


Lynde Griggs
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UnGala 2022 Save the Date_Belle and Sparows (1280

What in the world is an unGala? If you know the co-founders, Lynde Griggs & Tiffany Utech, then the name is self explanitory! If you don't know them, then you need to know them! They are not traditional in their approach to missions and ministry, so having a 'Gala' would not be their style. They want you to be you; to be comfortable coming to an event however you want to in order to have a great time!

 This year's unGala, 'Flourish', includes a cocktail/silent auction reception, dinner, and dancing. You will hear from the founders about where the non-profit has been over the last five years and most importantly where it is headed. It will be held at the McKinney Four Mill on October 27, 6:30pm - 9:30pm.

Belle & Sparrows is asking for your help in making this year’s unGala an unprecedented success by considering becoming a sponsor. Belle & Sparrows and the women they serve appreciate the valuable support that you or your organization can provide. It’s an opportunity to be recognized for your generosity but also for your partnership in helping women reach their potential. Marginalized and under-resourced women are not topics everyone wants to visit. Yet, without support, these women are destined to remain in endless cycles caused by a lack of hope and lack of resources.

This is the largest funding source for Belle & Sparrows and it will benefit their newest addition, The Stella Center. The Stella Center is a job and life skills training center for the women they employ and serve. It is exciting to see the fruits of their labor in action but even more so seeing the women in this program blossom!


 You are invited to learn more about Belle & Sparrows at the website below. If you have any questions or would like a sponsorship packet, please feel free to contact them directly.
Founder: Lynde Griggs - 
Founder: Tiffany Utech - 


Lynde Griggs
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A year after Belle and Sparrows was launched, Co-Founders Lynde Griggs and Tiffany Utech felt the prompting that they wanted to be in the community serving, empowering, and employing women who are rebuilding their lives. They saw the first segment of this come to pass when they employed their first women and launched their candle line two years ago through The Stella Projects, a program under the umbrella of Belle & Sparrows.

On Saturday, July 16, the very FIRST paid life skills training for the employees of The Stella Projects took place! A respected leader in the community volunteered her time and expertise to teach computer skills. The women employed by Belle & Sparrows are working hard to rebuild their lives and gain independence, full-time employment, and restored dignity. They have prayed for this day to come, and God has provided abundantly.

If you'd like to get involved, please visit our website for ways you can support these women & help us hire more employees for The Stella Center program. 

We can't do what we do without your partnership!
Lynde Griggs
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To date, Belle & Sparrows has sent volunteers on over 65 mission trips - both locally and globally. On these trips, opportunities are given for economic sustainability to women around the world. Belle & Sparrows believes in providing opportunities for women to go and serve other women through a mission trip experience. Many women in our community, nation, and world are facing insurmountable odds to not only keep their families together, but to do that in a way that is uplifting and not demeaning. Teams actively come alongside these women to lift them up and help them with support and skills they need while also sharing with them about the redeeming love of Christ! 

Belle & Sparrows needs volunteers to come alongside these women to: 

  • Teach skills for women to earn income
  • Provide medical care
  • Lead in bible teaching and share testimonies
  • Encourage women through prayer and friendship
  • Support local ministry partner

If you are interested in joining Belle & Sparrows on a life changing mission trip, click the link below to find out more information. All you need is a desire to share the love of Christ with women who need to hear they are worthy and loved by a gracious Father. There are currently 2 trips on the calendar:

  • New Mexico - November 6-10, 2022
  • Guatemala - January 27-February 3, 2023 




Lynde Griggs
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Belle & Sparrows has the opportunity to join a group from Michigan they've partnered with before in Guatemala July 20-27. They will be working with the women in the village while they are leading a VBS. Since 2017, Belle & Sparrows has been bringing supplies and teaching women how to embroider on cards, beverage napkins and now reusable shopping bags so they can earn income. By partnering with Belle & Sparrows and purchasing from the list, you are empowering women and helping them become economically sustainable. Thank you for investing in the lives of women throughout the world.