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Fall is on the way and we look forward to Oktoberfest in McKinney with anticipation. Consider this while you enjoy your beer and brats.  The ancestors of the Germanic cultures we commemerate during this weekend of festivities date as far back as the 1st century. Common Norse and Scandinavian mythology attributed to these early Germanic cultures is described by some scholars as a sacred narrative which explains how the world and humanity evolved. How are we still connected to these ancient people? It is a mystery.

Norse mythology consists of tales of various dieties, beings, and heroes derived from sources before and after the pagan period. The majority of the texts were created in Iceland, where the oral tradition stemming from pre-Christian inhabitants of the island was collected and recorded primarily during the 13th century. Many of these stories are the foundation of countless movies, television shows, and books we are all familiar with today. The hammer welding humanity protecting god Thor or the god Odin, who pursues knowledge throughout the world and bestowed the runic alphabet to humankind are recognizable to most of us.

Walk down to the Collin County Historical Society & Museum, 300 E. Virginia St., during Oktoberfest and find out how German and Scandinavian cultures inTexas are still part of this legendary heritage. Admission is only $3.

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