Stephanie Jennings
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White-tailed deer buck White-tailed deer buck

Bobcat at the Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife SanctuaryThe mission of Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas is to bring nature and people together to discover, enjoy, experience, restore and preserve our priceless environment. Please help the Heard to continue to make this possible by helping the Heard protect native animals on the Heard Wildlife Sanctuary.

Though the Heard Wildlife Sanctuary is private property and hunting is not allowed, we have recently collected evidence that prohibited hunting activities are going on in this nature preserve. By helping us purchase additional wildlife cameras to monitor more areas of the wildlife sanctuary, we will be able to work more effectively with local game wardens to help us enforce applicable laws and protect our wildlife, such as White-tailed deer, Northern raccoons, Eastern cottontail rabbits, owls, songbirds and much more.  This will also help us collect valuable scientific data and information about the behavior and health of the resident animals.

For just $550 each, we will be able to purchase wildlife cameras that transmit images and real-time information wirelessly to Heard staff. $80 per month will help us secure the data plan to transfer the data. This means that, for less than $7,000, you can help us better protect all 289 acres and the wildlife living there for years to come. Will you please consider helping us meet this goal? Any amount will get the Heard closer to this $7,000 goal and will be appreciated!

When Bessie Heard founded Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in 1967 at the age of 80, her foresight was keen. She realized that someday natural spaces would not be as available. She saw that one day there may be a need to conserve a special place for people to spend time in and learn about nature. "Miss Bessie" (as the children called her) knew that natural spaces and wildlife were important and should be shared with future generations.

Forty-eight years later, in keeping with Miss Bessie's vision, the Heard consists of a 289 acre wildlife sanctuary and a natural science museum for the primary purpose of educating children about the appreciation of nature and its conservation.

Tomorrow, on North Texas Giving Day, September 17, from 6 a.m. to midnight, your donation of $25 or more will go further with bonus funds if you donate to Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary through

Please make a gift to Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary on this day and help the Heard save resident wildlife for years to come. The Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, making your gift tax-deductible. 

Marketing & Communications Director at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas. - Contact Stephanie at  
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