Stephanie Jennings

This article isn’t really about reasons not to use native plants. There really just aren’t many. By contrast, there are a great deal of reasons why you should plant native plants in your landscape.

A native (indigenous) species is one that occurs in a particular region, ecosystem, and habitat without direct or indirect human actions. As the public becomes more concerned about the environment and interest grows in preserving it, it’s important to know that you have choices in your landscaping plants and to know that you can choose to use native plants.

To begin with, several native species are the select or even the only larval (caterpillar) host plant for some species of butterflies. This means that if the plants they need to eat aren’t around, they can’t reproduce. Also, many native plants provide superior nectar sources for butterflies (and other important pollinators), which in turn help to pollinate the crops we eat (among many other things). If you enjoy seeing beautiful butterflies or eating fruits and veggies, plant native plants.

Next, we approach the topic of hummingbirds. Many native plants are a great source of nectar and habitat for these beautiful, tiny birds. Planting some native plants can be a great way to attract them to your landscape. Zipping around your garden, they eat pesky bugs like mosquitoes, gnats, and fruit flies. If you would like to see more around, use native plants to help attract these amazing birds.

Tired of constantly watering your landscape? Do you struggle to keep it hydrated during the hottest months of the summer? Do you worry about where your drinking water will come from someday? If so, plant native plants. Once they’re established, many native plants require very little supplemental water and therefore will not squander the precious water that could otherwise be used for drinking. Native plants are often better suited to our local hydrologic situation and climate and can survive these conditions without assistance once established.

Native plants are a great resource for holding soil in place. This ability to help prevent soil erosion also means they help to protect water quality. Help to prevent dust storms and dirty water: plant native plants.

If these reasons aren’t enough, there’s also the following:

  • Native plants provide food and habitat for native wildlife.
  • Native plants preserve our natural heritage.
  • Native plants require little maintenance in the long run if properly planted and established.

If you are now ready to landscape with native plants, please note that Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary will hold its annual Spring Plant Sale on April 18th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and April 19th from 1 to 5 p.m. We encourage you to stop by and pick up a few plants for your landscape. A Heard Museum Member Pre-Sale will be offered on April 17th from 4-7 p.m.

For more than 20 years, veteran and novice gardeners alike have anticipated this rare opportunity to purchase plants from a huge selection of native plants, hard-to-find herbs and well-adapted plants at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary’s annual Spring Plant Sale. Your tax-free purchases will also help to support the Heard—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. More information (including plant list) available at

Marketing & Communications Director at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas. - Contact Stephanie at  
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