Stephanie Jennings
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Native Texas Butterfly House & Garden Native Texas Butterfly House & Garden

The Native Texas Butterfly House and Garden at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas closes for the year on October 2, 2022. Don’t miss your chance to walk among free-flying native butterflies and other pollinators. View butterflies up close while learning about their life stages and more.

The butterfly house is regularly stocked with an assortment of native butterfly species, which varies throughout the exhibit. Guests may even get to see a butterfly emerge from a chrysalis. Nectar plants are also available inside the butterfly house to feed the adult butterflies. There are even a few host plants for caterpillars to feed on (“host plants”).

The butterfly garden, too, is filled with nectar plants and host plants that naturally attract these lovely creatures. Guests may even find a few ideas to try in home gardens, which can in turn help pollinators on a broader scale. From time to time, other species of wildlife that feed on insects or the nectar plants may also be found in the butterfly garden, including hummingbirds. This area is also a great setting for nature photography.

The Native Texas Butterfly House and Garden is included in museum general admission and is free for Heard Museum members. The Native Texas Butterfly House and Garden is sponsored by NBC5. Learn more about this exhibit at

About Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary

Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary is a private 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing nature and people together to discover, enjoy, experience, restore and preserve our priceless environment. The Heard was founded in 1967 by Bessie Heard at the age of 80. In a time when the rate of expansion of the Metroplex was slower than today, she foresaw the need to preserve a place where future generations could experience nature. Today, the Heard's mission of bringing nature and people together is carried out through education, particularly of young people, emphasizing an appreciation of nature and its conservation. For more information, visit

Marketing & Communications Director at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas. - Contact Stephanie at  
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