Stephanie Jennings
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Prothonotary warbler A number of beautiful bird species live at or migrate through the Heard's nature preserve each year.

Walk on Team Heard as we work to show the nation that DFW can boast the most species of wildlife as part of the City Nature Challenge! At Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, on Sunday, April 28, from 1-3 p.m., we’ll have “coaches” on hand to help you learn how to score points for the Metroplex as you ID species of wildlife on the Heard’s 289-acre sanctuary. You will only need to show up with a smart phone with the iNaturalist app and your love of nature. This event is included in general admission and free for Heard Museum members.

New this year - go on a nature walk at 1:30 pm and 3pm with Melanie Schuchart, Heard entomology volunteer and Master Naturalist, to look for butterflies and other insects. Who knows what you might find?

View more information at

About Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary

Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary is a private 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing nature and people together to discover, enjoy, experience, restore and preserve our priceless environment. The Heard was founded in 1967 by Bessie Heard at the age of 80. In a time when the rate of expansion of the Metroplex was slower than today, she foresaw the need to preserve a place where future generations could experience nature. Today, the Heard's mission of bringing nature and people together is carried out through education, particularly of young people, which emphasizes an appreciation of nature and its conservation.  For more information, visit

About the City Nature Challenge

If you'd like to prepare before you arrive, learn how to use iNaturalist. Cities across the world will compete to see which one can boast having the most species of wildlife. Want to participate and help your city win but can’t make it to the Heard’s event? Grab your smart phone and head outdoors!

The City Nature Challenge will run April 26–29. It’s easy to participate by attending the Heard’s event or just making observations on your own, using the iNaturalist app. Just take a picture of a plant or animal, post it to iNaturalist and the online community will help accurately identify the species.

Any observation in the greater metropolitan area of each city will count during the four-day challenge. You can also explore the life in your backyard, in your local park or on a field trip with your local group or club. TPWD, the Audubon Society and many others will be joining in this fun challenge.

Go to to watch the leaderboards or learn more about how you can participate!

Marketing & Communications Director at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas. - Contact Stephanie at  
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