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Quite often we may miss the gems surrounding us, and how much of a tremendous blessing they are.  There are amazing nonprofits in McKinney such as Community Garden Kitchen, who feeds anyone Monday-Thursday from 6pm to 8pm, as a restaurant style, dignity served establishment, best of all ITS ALL FREE! Imagine that families in need being served at no charge like a restaurant with servers and hostesses, and a menu to choose from! 

We can find the brightest light in the darkest time and that is what nonprofits like Mission Regan did for my family. You see my mother-in-law was battling cancer, and at points of her chemo, walking became difficult, I asked if anyone knew of a discounted place for medical walkers and I was told that Mission Regan donates these to people in need. They were right. I contacted them and within 24 hours we had a walker!  In a short amount of time, my mother-in-law lost complete ability to walk and needed an electric wheelchair and you guessed it! Mission Regan donated that to us as well. Although my mother-in-law lost her battle with cancer, Mission Regan helped us help her during the difficult journey and we are forever grateful. We were able to donate those items back to Mission Regan so they can be used again to help another family in need. 

Just as Mission Regan made a difference in our lives, On October 22nd , we will make a difference in the lives of 45 other families! 15 nonprofits will collaborate to bring a day of hope and joy to families in need! North Central Texas Workforce Solutions will be on hand to offer services of childcare, hiring those with disabilities and WIOA paying for college! The families will be selected via an application process and will be based on the greatest need, invited to come to this exclusive event to be connected directly with nonprofits, receive free furniture, free clothing, free home decor, gift cards, and more!  It is one of the ways that we can touch the lives of others in a practical way and show them the gift of compassion. 

This event will be held on October 22nd, 2022 from 8:00 am to 3:30pm by invitation only at Victory Church 1008 Erwin Avenue, McKinney Texas 75069 as part of McKinney’s Make a Difference Day.  “Another Man’s Treasure” speaker helping people with practical financial literacy will be Silbera Garcia from Roofing On Top,  who we are so honored to have. 

We are also super excited to announce our Nonprofit and business collaborators this year, working together, servicing the community. 

Victory Church of McKinney, McKinney Family YMCA, One Heart Mckinney, HOPE Clinic, First United Bank, Credit Union of Texas, Purposed for Destiny, TLT- Tomorrow's Leaders today inc, North Texas Job Corps, A Motivating Love, AEYL, Sharp’s Shoes, Holy Family School, Briidge The Gap, Lifepath, AAAlways an Open Door, and more! 


We are looking to have another successful impactful year on Make A Difference Day here in McKinney!

To volunteer, donate clothing, furniture, time, or financial contributions please contact us at and complete the or call us at 518-551-6715. 


L.I.F.T. R&R, is a 501C3 organization, all donations are tax-deductible. 

This event will be exclusive to families selected in the application process so the needs of those genuinely in need are the recipients.

Ways you can participate to have a direct impact: Volunteer, Donate funds or items as listed above, or in-kind donations.    

Ways to financially donate:  Via our pay-pay link:

Mail donations to P.O. Box 157 McKinney Texas 75069


Those wishing to donate New or Gently used items to the event please contact us to schedule a pick-up. 

This is community, everyone working together to help those less fortunate. Thank you for your kindness.

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