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L.I.F.T. R&R

What an Honor it has been to serve you this year!

It’s been an incredible year of service! From March through August, we hosted 12 week Free GriefShare support group sessions to help those that were grieving due to losing a loved one. The support of this program, helped many people find hope, solace, and relief in the darkest of times. Facilitating these sessions were one of our greatest opportunities to help others. For more information or to find a GriefShare near you, visit

On October 23rd, we had our annual Make A Difference Day event in McKinney, called “Another Man’s Treasure” This was our 2nd annual event where we provided free furniture, clothing, gift cards, and a host of nonprofit organizations right at the event to provide many valuable resources! So many people were positively impacted! We look forward to next year’s event as we bring even more nonprofits to you! Be on the lookout next year for our applications for “Another Man’s Treasure” to share with those in need.

In December, we partnered with Collin County Toys for Tots and provided over 1500 toys to over 400 children living in poverty in Collin County. Victory Church of McKinney was once again a spectacular host as they allowed L.I.F.T. R&R to utilize their beautiful facility for all our programs this year! We are truly grateful to Victory Church for its generosity. Next year we look forward to serving our children in need again.

In June, we served 90 Senior Citizens at North Park Nursing Home with our “Spring into Action” Care Packages and Our “Senior’s Holiday” Christmas Baskets in December, ensuring those that have paved the way for us are not forgotten, get much-needed supplies to last through the summer and to truly enjoy a season of Christmas! Thank you to North Park Nursing and Rehabilitation in McKinney for allowing us to serve you 3 years in a row and counting.

We are looking forward to serving in 2022! Be on the lookout for our upcoming financial literacy program called: L.I.F.T. R&R “Credit Counts Program” We will be accepting applications to participate and look forward to helping create some amazing financially savvy families. Remember each one teach ten will help change generations to come. For any questions, please contact us at 518-551-6715 or email us at

Merry Christmas Everyone! May Your Season Be Filled with Love, Joy, and Family! Best Wishes to all from Your L.I.F.T. R&R Team!

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