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Stonebridge United Methodist Church members had the honor of providing gifts for 300 Malvern Elementary school children through the Angel Tree program. 


“As the chairperson for this project I am very thankful to have a church family that is so supportive, in adopting the angels and volunteering to help with the process. It warms my heart to know that these children will receive gifts just as Jesus did, “ said Carol Dean, Stonebridge UMC member and Malvern Volunteer Program Chairperson.


Stonebridge UMC family supports the teachers and students of Malvern Elementary providing tutors, mentors, a summer food bank, clothing closet, tending to the outdoor learning garden and working in the office and workroom of the school. For more information, contact Carol Dean at, to see how you might help with this ministry.


About Stonebridge United Methodist Church

The mission of Stonebridge United Methodist Church is to answer God’s call by reaching out to those who are searching, creating a growing community of committed disciples experiencing personal relationships with Jesus Christ, and sharing His joy through worship, prayer, study, gifts, and service.

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