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Stonebridge United Methodist Church welcomes the community to join in their Advent Season worship celebrations.  The church will offer it's traditional Christmas Eve services, but new this year will be the “Traveler’s Worship” and “Blue Christmas” services.

The “Traveler’s Worship” service is for those who enjoy the celebration of the Christmas Eve service, but will be out of town. “Traveler’s Worship” services will be offered in a more traditional setting in Celebration Hall, Wednesday, December 17, and in a contemporary setting in The Bridge, Thursday, December 18.  Both services will be at 6:30p.m.

The holiday season can be a difficult time for some. Broken relationships, unemployment, or the death of a loved one can make some feel lonely, depressed or even physically, mentally or spiritually ill.  In the midst of our suffering, there is hope. The “Blue Christmas” service will be offered on Sunday, December 21 at 6:30 p.m. Come to a safe and tranquil place where healing, mercy, compassion, companionship and love are offered. 

More information about worship and programs at Stonebridge United Methodist Church can be found on our website at 


About Stonebridge United Methodist Church

The mission of Stonebridge United Methodist Church is to answer God’s call by reaching out to those who are searching, creating a growing community of committed disciples experiencing personal relationships with Jesus Christ, and sharing His joy through worship, prayer, study, gifts, and service.

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