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McKinney Christian Academy sent a missions team to the village of El Zapote on their annual mission trip to Guatemala. On Sunday, the day after the students arrived, the students worshipped at the local church and honored God by singing “Grande Para Salvar” to the congregation. After the church service, the students went on a prayer walk throughout the beautiful, historic city of Antigua.

Monday through Wednesday mornings were spent building homes for impoverished families of the village; the afternoons were spent serving the students through El Zapote Olympics, playing a series of games, gospel presentation and testimonies, gospel bracelets, and a favorite treat: eating ice cream. In addition, Edna Pajela conducted teacher training both Monday and Tuesday. Michael McIntyre updated a vital computer system for the villagers as well. Thursday was a team-building treat, as the team helped each other climb Volcan Pacaya.

As Matthew 28:18-20 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Senior, Anna Keebler, said, “The coolest part of the trip was probably how close the group was to each other and the openness of everyone through prayer.” Throughout the trip many of the students shared their inspirational testimonies that touched the hearts of both their fellow students and the young villagers. Senior, Jackson Brock, commented, “It was touching to hear the stories of so many of my classmates. To come together and share the word of God to these people was truly a blessing and I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for these people.” The Guatemala mission team truly embodied their motto of “Love Christ, Love People.”

Article contributed by Will Harrell.

To view more pictures:  MCA Guatemala Missions

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