
There is a Public Hearing on Flood Plain Development and the developer's request to clear cut over 400 (76%) desirable trees on the property. Our Tree Preservation Ordiance does not allow more than 30 % to be cut on protected land, which this is.  It also says that if you cut trees, you must replace them with new ones or pay $500 per tree in fines. This developer asks us to excuse him from these terms. His request is for a "Variance" from Ordinaces put in place by the voters of Mckinney.  He wants to cut what ever he wants, replace nothing and pay no fines at all. The fines here should be over $500,000 payable to the city! That money is used by the City to replace trees. 

The Council will hear this case Tuesday, April 5 at the 6 PM regular Council Meeting at 222 N. Tennessee. You will be able to speak or enter your opinion about this on a simple post card. Your presence matters and will be counted. This is about creating profit from land purchased over 10 years ago by a church with the full knowledge that only a small sliver could ever be developed. 

Be aware that Councilman Rainey Rogers has been a member of the church seeking to profit from this development. He has not recused himeself. 

Please attend this meeting, the future of our Green Space Preservation Plan is on the line. This can create a precedent that will declare open season on the development of protected lands. 


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