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 These can Create Exemptions from Provisions in our Zoning, Flood Plain and Tree Ordinances

New Hearing Time is 5 pm on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Location Council Chambers 222 North Tennessee

Re:  Zoning Cases 16-041PF and 15-310Z.

There are  two pieces of flood plain property near Lake Forest that have just been rezoned by the City of McKinney to allow about homes to be built. Against our Flood Plain Ordinance, for 50 houses, the 100 Year Flood Plain will be rezoned and changed forever. The land to be utilized is virtually all within the 100 Year Flood Plain and is covered with over 700 beautiful canopy shade trees. The developer wants to remove over 78% of these desirable trees, when our Ordinance states that 30% is the Maximum. If  these drastic affronts to our Zoning Ordinance umbrella are approved, we will never get this genie back in the bottle, it will be open season on Flood Plain development .

The developer also expects the required fines for cutting the trees, (over $700,000.00), will  be waived! That is money that the taxpayers of McKinney will have to make up. Put another way, these trees are being clear cut at taxpayer expense! The majority of the clear cut property will end up as a 4 foot deep excavation that is unstable, unsightly and of absolutely no value to this City. The Parks Department will not even accept donations of clear cut land.  

The development of this Property is Contrary to the Intent of the McKinney Comprehensive Plan Approved by the Residents of McKinney.

We, as residents, voted in these very Ordinances to protect our Green Space - Open Space for future generations. Council Members are elected and City Staff is hired to enforce all of our Ordinances and protect our creeks and trees, not to make sacrifices that serve short term goals.

It is imperative that NO variances to these Ordinances be granted. They must be enforced as written. Our commitment to these goals feeds the very heart of McKinney. 

Come to this meeting at 5 o'clock, on Tuesday, show the city where you stand for and how important this precedent is.

Send an email no later than Friday the with your input to:




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