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Clear Cutting to the Very Edge of a Creek

We won the first round with the Planning and Zoning Commission (Tree Board). Thanks to many of you, the variance request to clear cut the first 400 plus trees was denied. Unanimously. This will now go before City Council on April 5. We have a higher hurdle this time, Council already agreed to the Zoning Change to build in a Flood zone. They will see new information at this hearing about the tree removal that was not available to them at the time. 

There were at least 30 people at the hearing in person and 14 opposition letters that were a part of the official file. About 10 people addressed the Commission and everyone was given the full attention of the Planning and Zoning Commission. What follows, is the shortest possible summary of the situation

  1. The church that owns this property actually wanted only a sliver of about 3 acres, but the owner would not subdivide the 24 acres. They did not want the rest and knew before they bought it in 2004, that the remainder of property was in a Flood Plain and covered with desirable trees, two serious conditions that would prevent development and likely prohibit a sale of majority of the remaining property in the future. 
  2. What they are asking us to do is wave our Ordinances to create buildable property in a known flood zone. The future developer wants us to sacrifice our Comprehensive Plan to create profit for him. It is already known that the City will incur a $93,000 loss providing services to this site. All this, for a total of 40 - 50' wide lots that McKinney does not remotely need.

Citizen input made all the difference.

Please make a difference again, come the Meeting April 5, 2015

Contact the City by phone at:   972-547-7500 with your input

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