



In Texas, it can be sunny one minute and rainy and windy the next! You need to be ready for anything. Today, let’s talk about the rain—not just driving in the rain, but having your vehicle ready for it.


Here are five things you can do today, whether it’s sunny or rainy, to prepare yourself for the next rain storm. You don’t want to wait until it’s raining to have your car ready!


1. Check your wiper blades:


You don’t want to wait until it’s already raining to find out that our wiper blades aren’t working! At that point, you’re out of luck! So test your wiper blades out ahead of time to make sure they’re working correctly and not streaking or worn out.


2. Check your wiper fluid:


You can do this at the same time you test your wiper blades. Do you have enough wiper fluid? If you don’t, that’s not good for your vehicle. We are big on fluid checks, whether that be wiper fluid, transmission fluid, oil, all of it. Don’t neglect your fluids!


3. Check your tires:


Make sure you have enough tread on your tires to handle the rain, and not leave you sliding around on the road. If your tire’s treads are low, you’ll need more distance to stop and can be in danger of sliding and losing control of your vehicle. 


4. Watch out for high water:


This is a bonus tip: Don’t drive through high water or big puddles! Not only can it be dangerous, but it’s terrible for your vehicle. Remember the saying, “turn around, don’t drown!”


5. Keep an umbrella in your car:


That may sound silly, but it’s the same thing as with your wiper blades—the wrong time to check to see if you have an umbrella in your car is once it’s actually raining. Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you have 13 umbrellas in the coat closet and none in your car? If that’s you, go ahead and grab one of those umbrellas and throw it in the trunk or glove box. That way you’re prepared for when your vehicle is stopped and it’s time to walk from your vehicle to your destination, so you don’t get drenched on the way! 


Hopefully, you’re reading this when it’s nice and sunny, that way you can be proactive so that when the next time it does rain, you and your vehicle are prepared! 


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Solutions Automotive
1513 S. Tennessee St., Suite 106
McKinney, TX 75069


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