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The City of McKinney really is a unique city. On May 4th, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM the city will come together in unity to observe the National Day of Prayer. This year event will be held at Bonnie Wenk Park, 2996 Virginia Parkway. 

This year theme is base on the book of Daniel prayer:

O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”

All age groups are invited to join church, businesses and city leaders to worship and pray to Almighty God for blessings for our City and Nation. 

 The annual McKinney tradition features the City of McKinney Police Honor Guard, Mayor Loughmiller, local pastors and musicians from Covenant Church, First Baptist McKinney, United Methodist, St. Peters Episcopal, Christ Fellowship, Eternity Community Church, Vida Abundante, St. Gabriels Catholic Church, Amazing Church, First McKinney Baptist, Stonebridge Methodist, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes  this year. 

Check out the churches promotional resources at:

"Like" and Share our information on Mckinney National Day of Prayer/Facebook for updates and to see pictures of past events.  Contact us at Gwyn Lawson- City Coordinator at for more information.



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