yannessa899 – Guest Contributor
Aug 6 2014


Summer is winding down and it's now time for Back To School.  Whether you're a college student making the drive to campus, a high school student cruising to class, or a parent navigating the drop off and pick up lines, back to school means it's back to the shop time....for our vehicles.  With school traffic, stopping and going and driving out of town (for college kids), our vehicles need to be in tip top shape for the school year ahead.  Here are a few things to check to make sure you and your vehicle make it to fall break.


Battery: Have your battery checked. There's nothing worse than waking up in the morning (running late...we've all been there) getting in the car and it not starting due to a bad battery.  Have it checked now before the cold months get here. If you need a new one, better to get it now than to find out the hard way.


Lights: Like it or not, the school year brings school traffic.  Stop and go traffic along school zones mean lots and lots of breaking.  Be sure to have your break lights checked to make sure they are working to avoid an unnecessary fender bender.  While you're at it, go ahead and check your head and taillights because the days will get shorter as well.  


Oil Change: With school supplies, lunches, etc. the last thing anyone needs to add the extra expense list is a new engine or engine repair.  To avoid this, please keep up with routine maintenance like oil changes.  Go ahead and check to see when your next one is due and set a reminder in your phone so you don't forget. Vehicle maintenance is always better than vehicle repair.


Back To School is an exciting time of year, but it can also be a tough time of year for our vehicles.  Be sure to knock out this list in the next couple of weeks to ensure your vehicle is ready.  We'll be more than happy to help if you are in the McKinney area.  Have a great school year everyone!!


Solutions Automotive

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Suite 106
McKinney, TX. 75069