Rick Barber – Guest Contributor
Jul 6 2022
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We live in crazy times!

Are U missing out on Me time?

Are U losing Focus in your daily Life?

Are U lacking Mindful Pauses? Come join us!

 Mindful Meditation is here for you!

Mindful Meditation is proven to:

Overall, to slow down & Focus when Life is so fast paced.

These benefits are supported by many years of Neuro-Scientific Research: 


***Improve Focus at Work & Home

***Help Battle Anxiety

***Reduce Stress Levels

***Reduce Physical Pain Sensation

***Improve Sleep

***Reduce Blood Pressure

***Boost one’s Immune System

***Improve Cognition

***Improve Productivity

***Improve overall Communications


Hope you join us! The First time we did these were very Successful, even during Covid we kept all safe.

We would welcome Connecting & Engaging with you.


If you would like to attend, see this link:
