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I’m always telling students to follow their dreams. It is my unshakable belief that one can be anything they aspire to be with an education, preparation and hard work.

You must have a plan, execute the plan and be ready for the opportunity of a lifetime, in the lifetime of the opportunity. It also helps to be instilled within you, your belief, the kind of belief that when no one else believes, you still do.

Sounds good, right?

Well, shame on me then. I have been busy motivating students (and some parents) while living only half of my own dreams. For years, I nodded in and out of my dreams, living only half of them.

I knew I was born to serve, to make a difference in a child’s life and becoming a school counselor was a way of fulfilling my purpose; a comfortable purpose that was parent-approved. But deep down inside lays the other half of my dream, just waiting to wake up, to be lived out.

I always wanted to be a writer, to reach an audience whose members may be motivated by the positive messages I write about. I etched and sketched through the years, noncommittal, unwilling to risk my parent-approved full time job, which, by the way, I really liked. I had to figure out some way to connect my job to my journalistic endeavor to make it equal, and finally, a satisfying career.

To make my long story shorter, I merged the half of my dream of working with youth and their parents with the other half of my dream that is writing. I needed to let the thousands of kids at school, whose lives I have been honored to impact, know that I followed my dreams.

Through School Counselor Mom, I hope to answer your question of “How can I help my child…?” by utilizing my authentic and witty approach to address topics that are of interest to BubbleLife readers.

I will provide practical information on schooling, parenting and resources that you can apply to your everyday life. I plan to inspire and look forward to your questions and comments. 

Now that I’ve told you what School Counselor Mom is, I’ll tell you what it is not. School Counselor Mom is not my column, it’s our column. 

Sharon Kind is a licensed school counselor and freelance writer. A product of a military family, she is a mom of one daughter and resides in McKinney, Texas. Sharon Kind can be reached at