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Another exciting season of Upward soccer is right around the corner at Stonebridge United Methodist Church.  With that brings a new opportunity to broaden the spiritual, mental, and physical health of our children. 

Raising confident kids with a healthy level self-esteem level is like outfitting them with a suit of armor against the challenges of the world. The tone of positivity within the Upward Sports program can be key in developing that armor.  Through relationships with both their coach and teammates, students will feel capable, loved and accepted. Kids who feel good about themselves are better equipped to handle conflicts and negative pressures, both now and later in life.

Given the increasing number of overweight and obese children, coupled with higher rates of serious diseases in children, parents are interested in how exercise can help.  Upward Sports programs provide weekly practices and games that will get your children moving. Studies show that active kids have fewer struggles with weight, have stronger bones and muscles and are less likely to develop diseases and chronic conditions in childhood and beyond.  Exercise also has significant brain development benefits- active kids experience higher levels of cognitive performance and focus. And of equal importance- IT’S FUN!

As parents, our goal is to raise “healthy” kids and Upward Sports programs can play an important role in that healthy development.  As you look ahead to the Spring season and your families’ activities, consider Upward Soccer for your child(ren). Registration is currently open and can be found on the Stonebridge United Methodist Church Sports Ministry page at


About Stonebridge United Methodist Church

The mission of Stonebridge United Methodist Church is to answer God’s call by reaching out to those who are searching, creating a growing community of committed disciples experiencing personal relationships with Jesus Christ, and sharing His joy through worship, prayer, study, gifts, and service.

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