Lynde Griggs
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Volunteers Needed_Belle & Sparrows (LinkedIn Artic

Founded in 2017, Belle & Sparrows is a McKinney-based 'women serving women' non-profit that empowers, trains and employs at-risk and under-resourced women locally and globally. Our vision is a future where all women will lead a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity. Women will only realize their God-given potential when they know that they are worthy to receive it, and we want to help women hear that message.

Our approach is two-fold: serve & equip. First, we bring teams that actively come alongside to support, serve, and empower women locally partnering with existing ministries. Skills training and small business kits are brought to women in Guatemala and New Mexico so that they can begin earning income for their families. Second, we provide paid job skills training and employment to local women who are rebuilding their lives after incarceration, abuse, addiction, and homelessness as candlemakers.


The Stella Projects Candles are a boutique line of small-batch, hand-poured candles made by the women in our program. The women are given supplemental employment while they are rebuilding their lives, going to school, or trying to make ends meet. To date, we have provided over 2 years of part-time employment to several women with over 3,000 candles sold to date. Web sales, pop-ups, retail partnerships, private labels, and corporate partnerships have been responsible for growth.

We have many areas that you can volunteer and/or serve in. Visit our website & volunteer site for all opportunities.

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