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Medical Center of McKinney celebrated a landmark occasion as David Lambert, MD, a general surgeon on staff, wrapped up his 500th da Vinci robot assisted surgery case today, a major milestone for any surgeon.

Dr. Lambert has been performing robotic assisted surgeries for slightly more than three years. He uses the da Vinci robot to assist with gallbladders, spleen, colon and hernia surgery, just to name a few.  The da Vinci robot allows surgeons to perform the minimally invasive surgery with few incisions, including single-site gallbladder surgery which is a virtually scar-less procedure done through the navel (belly button).

“The da Vinci robot is a minimally invasive tool that gives the surgeon better visualization and a magnified 3-D view, which makes working around delicate structures easier and safer,” said Dr. Lambert. “The benefits to patients are significant too, including less scarring and a shorter recovery.”

Through Dr. Lambert’s leadership, Medical Center of McKinney is a Center of Excellence for the da Vinci and serves as the training ground for general surgeons from across the nation.

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