Riley Heruska
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We're almost there! Within the next few weeks, students will be released to the exhilarating freedom that is summer break. If you're a parent, chances are your kids are already bouncing off the walls in anticipation of sun-drenched days away from the classroom. Their excitement is more than a little contagious. 

Why not mark the start of the summer season and the end of the school year with a fun activity or two? Here are some cost-effective and easy ideas to kick off your kid's vacation. 

Host a Water Ballon Fight 

Nothing screams "summer" like running around the backyard in bathing suits, avoiding being drenched by the burst of a well-thrown water balloon. Kids will have a blast with the activity, and it's a great way to really make the beginning of their vacation memorable. 

Go on a Picnic 

Before we know it, the Texas heat will be back in full force and we'll barely be able to stand outside for five minutes without feeling dizzy. So, why not make the most of the warm (not blistering hot) weather while we can? Head to the park or an open field and spend some time soaking up rays while snacking on fresh fruit. 

Make a Summer To-Do List

My parents always used to do this with my siblings and me when we were little. Each of us was allowed to pick one activity we wanted to do at some point over the summer break, and we'd work our way through the list before school started again. It could be anything, as long as it could be done in one day. Trips to the zoo, laser tag, and pool parties were all fair game. 

Camp Outside 

Summer is the time for s'mores and late night campfires, and now's the perfect time to start. You don't have to go far to camp with kids - even pitching a tent in the backyard is exciting

Take Them to the Movies 

Tons of family-friendly films will hit the big screens this summer, and a family trip to the theater is always a great way to make the day special. Let them order a few ridiculously expensive concessions since it's a celebration. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you could check out a drive-in theater

What are you guys going to do with your family to celebrate the end of school? Comment with suggestions below! 

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