Riley Heruska
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With the Texas heat hurtling towards us at full speed, many of us will be heading to the water in search of respite from the intense weather. Trips to the lake, pool, and even the ocean are an essential part of every Texan's summer vacation.

However, spending time around bodies of water does have its risks, especially for young children. If you're toting around a toddler or even younger children, it's not too early to start teaching them how to be safe in the water. In fact, you should be teaching them to swim at a young age, and here's why. 

Safety Is No Joking Matter

According to recent statistics, almost 800 children drown in America every year, and most of those children are under the age of five. Therefore, it's never too early to introduce your children to water safety. Sure, you always think you'll hear your child cry out if they fall in or that a lifeguard will intervene, but is that really a risk you want to take?

By instilling basic survival skills in your little ones, you'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief, and they'll feel less intimidated by waves and splashes. Now, that's not to say you should dump your child in the deep end or anything: There are plenty of programs and instructors that can help you figure out which baby steps you and your child can take towards confident swimming. Holding them securely in your arms while you walk around the pool can be a great start.

In short, when it comes to safety, there's really no question that teaching little kids to swim is a necessary and worthwhile precaution. 

Swimming Is Great for Their Health (And Confidence!) 

Interestingly, babies and toddlers who learn to swim often display more signs of self-confidence. The sooner you introduce your young ones to water in a smart manner, the more comfortable they will feel around it. In fact, it's often harder to teach older children to swim if they haven't been exposed to water much. Help your children dispell any future fears about learning to swim by teaching them efficiently and preventively. It doesn't take much! Just teaching them the basics can help them conquer worries about submerging their heads and make sure they're able to save themselves in the event of an emergency.

Additionally, swimming is a fantastic source of exercise. You might be pleasantly surprised by how quickly your kid takes to water, and how much they enjoy it. It's a great way to wear them out before naptime, and it'll help strengthen their little muscles. 

It's a Life-Long Skill 

I've met more than my fair share of grown adults who are hesitant to set foot on a boat because they never learned to swim. Not only has it caused them to fear large expanses of water, but it's deprived them of many great water-based experiences. The sooner your child learns that they can be safe around water while still having fun, the easier their future will be. Beaches and lakes won't pose a problem for them, and in the event of an emergency, they'll know that you've given them the necessary skills to cope. Even adults can encounter dangerous situations in water, and the more experience your child has, the better. 

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