Riley Heruska
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If you've never heard of Aldi, don't feel bad. Until very recently, many Texans had never taken the time to check out this German-owned grocery store chain. With stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods dominating the grocery shopping scene, why should they? 

Well, Aldi has some insanely good deals to offer you and your family, and they're starting to stake a place for themselves in America. In fact, they've opened more than 10,000 stores around the world! It's certainly a unique chain with interesting practices, but it could actually save you quite a bit of money if you're willing to bring your own grocery bags.

Here are just a handful of the items you should really start checking out at the nearest Aldi! 

A Bottle of Honey 
Okay, I know this sounds like a weird one, but seriously, honey can be expensive! You can easily score organic wildflower honey at Aldi for under $4. 

Loaves of Bread 
Bread usually isn't expensive anywhere, but Aldi offers a great selection of whole wheat options that are both healthy and cost-effective. I've never paid more than $1.50 for a loaf! They also sell sweet Hawaiian rolls, brioche loaves, and other yummy options. 

Fruit (Berries, Bananas, Peaches, Whatever!) 
If there's one thing you need to purchase from Aldi instead of other chains, it's fruit. I'm continuously impressed with the fresh selection, and you really just can't beat the prices. I got a decently-sized package of ripe strawberries the other day for just $0.99! 

Meat (Chicken, Steak, or Fish)
Tired of buying frozen steaks or chicken breasts because it's cheaper? Well, Aldi sells quality meats for prices you can definitely swallow. The other day, I was able to grill delicious fresh steaks for two people without spending more than $5. 

Dairy Products (Especially Yogurt and Milk) 
Yogurts for less than a dollar? Almond milk under $2? Sign me up. 

Pizzas You can Pop in the Oven 
There are so many times I want to lazily opt for pizza over a home-cooked meal, but I also balk at ordering a pizza for $15. Thankfully, I've discovered the uncooked pizzas at Aldi. Just pick one up for $5.99, heat it up, and you've got a piping hot, fresh pizza for less than half the price! 

These are just a few of the awesomely-priced purchases you can make at your local Aldi. I won't lie, the store does have some drawbacks and is fairly small, so you can't always find everything you need like you can at a larger chain. However, the quality is fantastic and the prices are even better, so why not stop by and at least check off a couple of the items on your shopping list? 

To find an Aldi near you, click here. There are over 100 locations in Texas, so there might be one right down the block! Plus, Aldi has plans to open many more future locations in our Lone Star State, so get excited. 

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