Riley Heruska
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A few weeks ago, we asked our Lake Highlands BubbleLife members to tell us where we should go for the best burger in the area. Today, we're announcing the results! And the winner is... Shady's Burgers! Congrats to all the nominees and our exciting winner. 

About Shady's Burgers and Brewhaha

 9661 Audelia Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

Why People Love It:
 Shady's has a lot to offer, from a wide selection of wines and beers to a menu full of delicious dishes. Their burgers have thick patties and fluffy buns, and the customer service is great. What more could you want? 

What to Order: 
The El Shady Burger and some onion rings 

So when are you going to check out this BubbleLife winner? 

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