Riley Heruska
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Because there is still good in this world, today is National Pancake Day! You know what that means: free hot, sticky, delicious pancakes from IHOP.

Only today, from 7 AM to 7 PM (10 PM at special locations), you will receive a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes from any IHOP in celebration of the holiday. Although the pancakes are free, the restaurant will ask you to donate to their charity partners to support children who are battling dangerous sicknesses. IHOP is aiming to raise $3.5 million this year, so every contribution helps!

According to IHOP's website, the pancake makers have been hosting this event since 2006, and over the course of the past decade, customers have helped them to raise more than $24 million for children in need! To learn more about which charities IHOP has partnered with, you can visit

So what are you waiting for? Go help IHOP make a difference AND indulge in some syrupy goodness! 

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