Riley Heruska
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From April 21-23 in Dallas, TX, hundreds of women will team up to celebrate female individuals as powerful entrepreneurs and workers at the Ambitious Women Conference. Founded by Esther Spina, the conference aims to empower women and to help them grow in confidence. Today, BubbleLife gives you an inside look at Spina's experience creating the conference, as well as her personal story of success. 

BubbleLife: Can you tell us a little bit about your own career path?

Esther: I began my professional career with my first job by becoming the first female order desk clerk for General Electric/Hotpoint. I then married and ran a construction company for 10 years in San Diego. During the 90’s, I moved to Texas and became an independent sales representative for a national company. There, I was awarded a Senior Representative position and became a top producer 10 years in a row. In 2006, I joined a direct sales company, Ambit Energy, a Dallas-based billion-dollar energy company. I earned numerous accolades, including National Consultant, the highest position in the company, and the Thompson Leadership Award for leadership, integrity, teamwork and character. Also, I was the top female earner in the company the past 10 years.

BubbleLifeWhat inspired you to create the Ambitious Women network and then write The Ambitious Woman?

Esther: If you look at my career, it has always been in a male dominated environment, with the minority being women. I have always had a passion to empower women to be all they can be, maybe because I know how it feels. So Ambitious Women was created out of a need and passion. I have 30 years of business experience. I learned how to be Ambitious and wanted to share my Ambitious Woman Journey. It was time to apply what I had learned and compile it into a book for all women and men to read, but mainly to leave a legacy. After you leave this world, all you have left is your legacy.

BubbleLifeWhat led to the creation of the first Ambitious Women Conference?  

Esther: It started with a need within the company to get women together, to encourage, motivate and connect in a male dominated environment. Not that women are better than men, just different. They learn and train differently. It just grew from there. Last year, I felt compelled to branch out and open the Ambitious Women Conference to all women entrepreneurs and network marketers. It has not come without resistance and challenges, but I felt it was the right thing to do.This second one has the best line up of 6 and 7 figure women pouring their knowledge into other women.  

BubbleLifeDescribe the experience of hosting the Ambitious Women Conferences.

Esther: It is a 9- 12 month preparation for sure. As it nears the conference, stress heats up, and there is a lot of pressure, but it all comes together and I can’t wait until it’s over. I always say I’m not sure I’m going to do it again, but just like having a baby, after the baby is born, you forget about all the pain you endured and you are ready to have another one. Happens every year. Even now as we are planning for 2017, I am saying the same thing.

BubbleLifeWhat do you expect every attendee of the conference to walk away with?  

Esther: What I know is that every woman walks away with an experience like they’ve never had before. It’s what they tell me, what they say in the survey. They are inspired, motivated, encouraged, and ready to build their businesses. My desire is they step into their destiny, gain self-confidence and mindset belief, and overcome fear and self-doubt so they can powerfully step into that destiny.

BubbleLifeHow have your life experiences helped you to encourage your own children/grandchildren?

Esther: Hopefully I have been a great role model and shown that women are powerful, and a help mate to their husband, business associates, and others. I want to teach them so they can learn from my mistakes, in business and life.

BubbleLifeWhat is the biggest piece of advice you would give to a woman entering a male-dominated field?  

Esther: Be confident, determined, persistent, and consistent (all attributes of an Ambitious Woman). Do not let a man or woman steal your dreams. Live your dream life. It’s possible.

BubbleLifeWhat would you like everyone to know about the Ambitious Women network and/or the conference?

Esther: You’ll enjoy it like no other conference. You can let your hair down. It’s a conference, girlfriend style, by women, with women, and for women. You can build a community of success minded women in an intimate and affirming environment. It is not another stuffy conference, but a girls weekend that will change your life. Of course, if men are comfortable in their own skin, we welcome them. All are invited to the Saturday night Charity gala, which includes a concert, comedy, dancing and networking, all for a good cause.


It's not too late for you to register for the Ambitious Women's Conference! Click here to learn more about tickets, sponsors, activities, and more. 

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