Riley Heruska
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Even after several days have passed, most American citizens are still struggling to deal with the horror of the shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. If you want to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the tragedy, there are safe, legitimate ways to do so, even all the way from Texas. 

Donating to The Broward Education Foundation will help the county public schools in Parkland deal with the aftermath of this terrible event. Your contributions will fund relief efforts and support of the victims and their families. The organization has been around since 1983 and is held in high esteem, so you can feel confident that your donations will truly be used to help those who need it. 

Unfortunately, there are many who would take advantage of this situation by setting up scams via GoFundMe. If you'd like to donate directly to the Broward Education Foundation, which is the only direct support organization solely dedicated to raising funds for the public schools in Broward County, please visit their official GoFundMe or Public Good accounts. So far, their official GoFundMe has raised more than $1,720,000 for the victims, but their goal is $2.2 million, so give if you can. Don't enter your credit or debit card information with any accounts that are not deemed to be official. GoFundMe is being very vigilant about protecting donators from scams, but it's always a good idea to double check so you know you're funding the right cause. 

You can also donate to the LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry, which is making visits to the victims of the shooting to provide emotional support in the form of furry friends. They accept donations on their main site

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