Riley Heruska
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Everyone knows that the Grand Canyon in Arizona is by far the largest canyon in the States, but chances are, you've never really considered what canyon claims second place. Surprisingly, the runner-up can be found right here in our Lone Star State: Palo Duro Canyon. Located deep in the Texas Panhandle, this state park holds a breathtaking, rugged canyon that is overlooked far too often. 

Although Palo Duro cannot truly rival the sheer immensity of the Grand Canyon, its size certainly shouldn't be ignored. At 120 miles long, 20 miles wide at points, and as deep as 80 feet, this is no small hole in the ground. In fact, many locals refer to it as "the Grand Canyon of Texas." Once you descend down the winding roads into its depth, you'll probably see why. 

Interested in visiting this natural sight in person? Schedule a visit to Palo Duro State Park this spring. You'll enjoy a 16-mile drive through scenic canyon features, and if you head there soon, you'll beat the summer heat (which can reach up to 115 degrees). Be sure to bring along your camera so that you can snap unforgettable pictures of the area. Also, pack your hiking shoes so that you can tackle the 50 miles of unmarked trails in the park. There are hikes of varying difficulties, so everyone from the youngest child to the most experienced climber can find one that's suitable for their skills. 

Walk-in campsites reservations are available, as are cabins. Check out the state park's website to see what's available and how much the lodging options cost. 

Are you planning a trip to Palo Duro Canyon? Have you already been there before? Let us know in the comments!

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