Riley Heruska
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Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

Let's be honest: the years between the end of school and your thirties are a rollercoaster. Every person in their twenties needs a little help sometimes, and these books are more than ready to lend you the advice and inspiration you need to embrace this period of your life. Learn about everything from travel to personal finance in these fun, enjoyable books. 

The Happiness Project 
by Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin's role has literally been defined as that of a "happiness expert." Ever since she decided to start living a happier life, she's worked to study human behavior and the tendencies we all lean toward. In her book The Happiness Project, Rubin draws on science and real-world scenarios in an effort to help people start making purposeful changes in their lives. After delving into a few chapters, you'll find that you can easily implement many of Rubin's suggestions and start living the happy life you've dreamed about. 

"The days are long, but the years are short." - Gretchen Rubin 

Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of 500 Best Places on the Planet 

There's no period in your life that's more conducive to travel than your twenties. Sit down with this gorgeous book to plan your next exciting adventure. The travel guide details 500 of the most incredible sights on the planet and gives helpful tips on how and when to visit them. Just looking at the gorgeous photos is enough to give anyone the travel bug. Trust me, after you purchase this book, you won't be able to refrain from booking a vacation soon. 

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person 
by Shonda Rhimes 

You have probably heard Rhimes' name associated with Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder, but did you know that she's also the author of a brilliant book? In Year of Yes, Rhimes details her experience as the creator and producer of these shows and helps others learn to speak their minds when it matters. Every person under the age of 30 will learn something from this raw, honest account of a determined woman's life. 

“I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a bada**.” - Shonda Rhimes

The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter - And How to Make the Most of Them Now
 by Meg Jay 

Whether you've just recently graduated from college or you're approaching the end of your twenties, this is the book you never knew you needed to read. Meg Jay Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist who argues against the misinformation that's commonly spread about young adults. She reveals true stories about people she's met and equips readers with the tools to make their first years of adulthood truly valuable. Smart and compassionate, this book will show you why you should be making changes in your life today, not tomorrow. 

"I wasn't scared of losing my past. I was scared of losing my future." - Meg Jay 

Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps 
by Kelly Williams Brown 

As you enter "true" adulthood, you have so many questions. What do you need to know about renting a new apartment? How do you behave in a corporate environment? Can you tell when it's time to terminate a friendship? Kelley Williams Brown draws on pieces from her popular blog in Adulting to provide answers to these confusing queries. You'll laugh and learn as you turn each page, and by the time you finish the book, you'll feel more equipped to live life as a functioning adult. 

"Intentions are nice, but ultimately intentions don't really matter because they only exist inside you." - Kelly Williams Brown

Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman 

If I took the time to list all of the awards and nominations this book has received, we'd be here all day. Let's just say that this international best-seller is good. Daniel Kahneman is a renowned psychologist and has won a Nobel Prize in Economics, so you can trust that his words of wisdom are golden. He uses this book as an opportunity to engage readers and teach them about finances, both in business and in their personal lives. Pick up a copy to learn about how money plays a role in your happiness and future, as well as how you can manipulate it based on your judgment calls today. 

"Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it." - Daniel Kahneman 

You Are a Bada**: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
 by Jen Sincero 

This #1 New York Times Bestseller is both entertaining and revolutionary. Success coach Jen Sincero has written 27 easy-to-read chapters that all use humor and intelligence to help people improve their lives. She'll teach you how to set goals, love yourself and create your dream life without maxing out your time and energy. Whether you need help with relationships or money, Sincero is here to help with a witty comment and some sort of sage advice. 

"If you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way. If you're not,  you'll find an excuse." - Jen Sincero 

So, which of these great reads will you be recommending to the twenty-somethings in your life? 

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