Riley Heruska

Together, the Plano Fire-Rescue and Police Departments gathered 541 units of blood at this year's annual Battle of the Badges blood drive. This contribution will help more than 1,600 patients with life-threatening illnesses. 

To make the blood drive a little more exciting, the two departments compete to see who can donate the most to the blood drive. This year, the Plano Police Department came out as the clear winner. 

"We'd like to win sometime," said Plano Fire Chief Sam Grief. "I think they have had a 10-1 advantage over us in the last 11 blood drives." 

The Plano Fire-Rescue Department congratulated their competitor's win in a unique way: by creating this compelling, unique video. Check it out below and show a little love to the people who strive to keep Plano safe. 

All information provided by the City of Plano

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