Riley Heruska
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Need some inspiration for your next big adventure? These travel shows on Netflix will inspire your wanderlust and have you searching for cheap flights as soon as the credits roll. They're smart, addictive, and downright breathtaking to watch. Fix a big bowl of popcorn, grab your laptop, and embrace these epic series. 

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown 

After the tragic loss of world-renowned chef, travel documentarian, and TV personality Anthony Bourdain, Netflix agreed to keep his revolutionary CNN show on their streaming platform for just a bit longer. Now is the time to take a deep-dive into parts of the world few people visit and most know little about. Bourdain was a gifted storyteller, and you can feel his passion for travel in every episode of Parts Unknown. You'll hear about everything from fantastic food to political history, and all of it will make you want to pack your bags for somewhere new. 

Tales By Light 

This stunning series follows a handful of talented photographers as they travel around the globe in pursuit of the perfect image. Tales By Light documents everything from blue whales in Tonga to sports in North America, and every episode will make you more excited to visit a new place. You can race through the entire series in a matter of nights, so don't hesitate to start your binge-watching session. 

Planet Earth II 

Whether you've seen the first Planet Earth or not, this sequel is truly a work of art. Professional videographers follow animals into the depths of their environments and capture experiences that few humans have ever witnessed. Follow these intrepid adventurers as they pursue snow leopards, monkeys, Komodo dragons, and dozens of other creatures at the far corners of the globe. 

Dark Tourist 

If you're looking for something unique, this new TV series takes a look at the dark side of tourism in various countries. Journalist David Farrier leads the expedition as he explores everything from death-worshipping cults in Mexico to radiation in Fukushima. You might not exactly want to follow in Farrier's footsteps as he braves the weird and unsettling, but you'll certainly enjoy seeing a hidden side of popular tourist destinations. 

What shows do you watch when you need a dose of wanderlust? Leave your favorite travel TV show recommendations in the comments! 

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