Riley Heruska
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Did you know that the average American home contains roughly 300,000 items? Or that the average American family throws away 65 pounds of clothing a year? It's no wonder that many of us feel overwhelmed by our own homes and possessions. Perhaps that's why many people are beginning to seek out more ethical, meaningful ways of living. That's where minimalism comes in. 

These books aren't just guides on cleaning up and throwing things away. They contain valuable lessons on how to eliminate distraction in your life so that you can focus on what's truly important, like family and contentment. Check a few of them out if you're interested in pursuing minimalism in the future. 

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up 
by Marie Kondo 

Of all the books about decluttering and living simply, this one is probably the most recognized. Kondo asks people to consider what brings joy to their lives and to eliminate the clutter that doesn't. Her minimalizing method is simple, but her challenges and explanations are strong. If you're looking for a book that can help you improve your home environment, there's not a better choice on the market. 

The Joy of Less by Francine Jay 

Jay doesn't want you to simply clean out your house; she wants you to build lifelong minimalist habits, and her refreshing methods will help you do just that. Let her guide you through the process of eliminating distractions and learning to appreciate the important things in life. The Joy of Less isn't just about the practice of minimalism; it's about living simply and happily. 

The More of Less
by Joshua Becker

You can practically feel Becker's enthusiasm leaking off the pages of his book as he details his personal experience with minimalism and the joy its brought his family. Chapter by chapter, this man will help you being your own decluttering process so that you can find the life you truly want to live. He also provides interesting statistics on American consumerism that will fuel you to shop with more purpose. 

Minimalist Parenting
by Christine Koh 

Minimalism isn't just about going through your house and tossing the items you no longer need or want. Koh explains how simplifying your family life can lead to a more close-knit, happier group. If you feel like you and your children are constantly plagued by packed schedules, distractions, stress, and responsibilities, this is the guide you need

Simple Matters
by Erin Boyle 

With Boyle's help, you can learn how to live purposefully and seek happiness. She explains how "living small" can benefit you, others, and the environment, and she also gives tips on becoming a conscious consumer. Boyle doesn't just describe minimalism; she explains its purpose and makes it feel personal to every reader. 

Do you practice minimalism? Do you have other book recommendations? Leave them in the comments below!

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