Riley Heruska
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Photo credit: Dallas Zoo

From now until the end of August, the Dallas Zoo will be opening its gates at 8:00 AM (an hour early) to give visitors a little more time with the animals before the Texas heat gets too intense. Now is the perfect time to check out the exhibits before kids head back to school and regular autumn schedules resume. 

These new "early bird" hours will allow visitors to wander through the Wilds of Africa and watch how the staff and animals typically begin their day. You can also take a peek at the newest addition to the zoo, baby gorilla Saambili. She and her mother are available for viewing as soon as the doors open, as are the giraffes and other exciting creatures. 

Admission Prices: 
$15 for adults 
$12 for children 
Free for kids 2 and under

To learn more about baby Saambili and her mother, Hope, click here. You can also learn about the other fun activities and special hours at the Dallas Zoo by clicking here

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