Riley Heruska
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Photos by Riley Heruska

For the first time in sixteen years, the Dallas Zoo has recently welcomed hippopotamuses to their expansive location. Through the addition of a 2.1-acre exhibit for these new arrivals, the zoo has made their African experience even more incredible. Fun fact: the Wilds of Africa exhibit was the first in the world to include every major habitat found in Africa.

Stop by to visit the hippos at the Simmons Hippo Outpost, which includes a waterhole replica with 120,000 gallons of water for hippos to enjoy. Watch the hippos above ground or view the massive animals via the underwater window. 

The Simmons Hippo Outpost has been nominated as one of the best zoo exhibits in the entire country. Click here to vote for it in the poll! 

As the oldest and largest zoological park in the entire state, the Dallas Zoo is earning more and more recognition for its work in animal preservation and conservation. The park cares for more than 2,000 different animals and 152 of the different species are included in the ZAZ Species Survival Plans.

With memorable events like the ongoing Safari Nights and their winter holiday specials, it's easy to see why millions are heading out to spend time with the zookeepers and their incredible creatures. 

To show your support for the Dallas Zoo and its beautiful exhibits and conservation efforts, click here to vote for it as the best zoo in the nation

You have ten days left to make a difference in the poll results. Let's show our local zoo some love and pledge our support!

To learn more about the Dallas Zoo and their special events, animals, and exhibits at

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