Riley Heruska
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In Texas, early voting begins 15 days before Election Day. This makes it easier to fit a quick trip to a poll station into your busy schedule, so don't feel that you have to block out time to vote on November 6. 

Hopefully you've already taken the first step toward voting by getting registered. The second step is to think about where you'll vote and how you'll get there. Many people, especially in their upper teens and twenties, struggle to access transportation to the polls. In fact, lack of transportation options is one of the top three reasons people ages 18 to 29 didn't vote in the 2016 election. 

Thankfully, there are two big rideshare apps that are here to help. 

Uber has partnered with #Vote Together and Democracy Works to provide voters with promo codes that allow them to ride to a polling location for free on Election Day. There will also be an in-app voting button that reads "Get to the Polls" that will help you find the closest voting station in your area. 

Similarly, Lyft is offering 50 percent off on rides on Election Day. In some underserved communities, the service is even offering free rides through organizations like Voto Latino and the National Federation of the Blind. 

Regardless of whether you wait to vote on November 6 or head to the polls as soon as you can, it's important that we all exercise our right to vote in this year's election. Utilize these rideshare apps if you need to, and more importantly, make solid plans to hit the polls with friends and family. 

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