Riley Heruska
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Like to keep up with the latest fashion trends? Is your wardrobe constantly a work in progress? Then you need these apps. They'll change the way you do fashion, from organizing your closet to saving money on the hottest trends. 


This app will revolutionize the way you plan your weekly outfits. It catalogs all of the clothing you own and comes up with outfit suggestions while also tracking how many times you wear each item and other interesting stats. Although it does take a while to put all of your closet contents into the app, it's well worth the time and effort. 

Download: Apple 


Whether you're looking to buy a used item or sell one of your old accessories, Poshmark is the place to go. This resale app is a wonderful way to make a little extra money while also shopping for discounted products from your favorite brands. There are more than 700,000 sellers on the app, so there's no shortage of opportunities to save a little money.  

Download: Apple | Android 


If you like to spend hours scrolling through Instagram for your style inspiration, then you need to integrate this app into your account. Now, whenever you spot an outfit you like on a blogger, you can simply screenshot the look and shop the various items. Within seconds, you can place an order to look just like your favorite fashion influencer. 

Download: Apple | Android 

What fashion-related apps do you like to use? Let us know in the comments below! 

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