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Stonebridge United Methodist Church is in the midst of a new sermon series titled “Where the Rubber Meets the Road.”  The Series is all about putting our Christian faith into action and being the hands and feet of Christ in the world. 

After Sunday worship, the entire congregation gathered together to assemble trailmix in support of The SoupMobile, a Dallas based homeless ministry.  Stonebridge UMC has participated in this ministry over the last several years, but never as entire congregation until today.  The participation level was tremendous and over 1800 bags were assembled, exceeding their last record by over 200 bags!  The 1814 bags of trailmix will supply three and a half days worth of snacks for the area homeless population.  

On a related note, during the month of March, Stonebridge UMC held a peanut butter drive to support the Community Food Pantry of McKinney.  Close to 800 jars of peanut butter were donated, exceeding their goal by 200 jars!

“Stonebridge UMC partners with the Community Food Pantry twice a year to collect food.  For March we were asked to collect 600 jars of peanut butter.  We exceeded our goal by collecting almost 800 jars!” said program coordinator Adriane Nelson.  “I was proud to represent Stonebridge UMC.  This congregation is truly mission minded and gave accordingly.”

For more information about Stonebridge United Methodist Church, visit


About Stonebridge United Methodist Church

The mission of Stonebridge United Methodist Church is to answer God’s call by reaching out to those who are searching, creating a growing community of committed disciples experiencing personal relationships with Jesus Christ, and sharing His joy through worship, prayer, study, gifts, and service.

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