
A question I get all the time is, “Why should I become a Beachbody coach?”


I love being a Beachbody coach, and these are five reasons why I think you will love it too!


1. Helping others. Probably the best reason to be a Beachbody coach is that you get to help others! There are a lot of rewarding industries out there, but I can tell you from experience there’s nothing more rewarding than someone texting me, calling me, communicating with me about how much progress they’ve made since starting Beachbody/drinking Shakeology/taking the products. And it’s not just about the weight loss! Sometimes it’s fitting into a pair of jeans they haven’t worn since high school. Or, they finally have the energy now to play with their kids, and do the things they need to get done. It’s getting to that person’s “Why?” That, to me, is one of the most rewarding things about being a coach: You’re able to help someone, and guide them, and not only help them meet their fitness goals, but sometimes financial goals and even life goals.


2. You’re already doing it! You’re probably already acting like a coach! If you’re a customer of another coach, or a customer of mine, you’re ordering Shakeology all the time, you’re ordering other products, and you’re telling your friends and family how great it is, you’re already basically doing the work for free! Being a coach is not only a great way to make an income from recommending the products, but also you get a discount on the products that you’re already using! If you’re already excited and you enthusiastically recommend Beachbody to others, become a coach and help yourself out more as well!


3. Your health will improve. When you’re a coach, it’s very difficult to not practice what you preach! So by default, you’re healthier! Typically you’re busy running challenge groups, you’re drinking shakeology, you’re doing the Beachbody programs, and you’re talking and living fit all the time, so in turn you become healthier by being a coach!


4. Make extra money! As a coach, you have the opportunity to supplement or to complement your already existing income. We have a lot of coaches who get to a point to where they’re able to leave their full-time job! However, I want to put out a disclaimer that this does not happen overnight, it takes time to build up your team and your customer base. But you can absolutely get to a point where you're making a significant side income or primary income for yourself as well.


5. Freedom! One of the most important reasons to become a Beachbody coach is the freedom! Since the structure allows you to have a residual income and a passive income, you’re able to, on a whim, just go out of town for the week or the weekend! You can do that without having to call up and put in a request for your vacation. I'm sure if you follow me on Instagram and on Facebook you see me and Mick on all kinds of vacations. Beachbody has allowed us to do that!

Building my coaching business to that point was very hard work at the time, but very rewarding, and very worth it!


So to answer the initial question why you should become Beachbody coach, there are five great reasons! If you are a coach and have another great reason for why someone should become a coach, I encourage you to comment and let us know!

For for info, please visit my website at






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