









We've reached the time of year where everyone starts to look forward to the New Year. For some, this means a fresh start. The two most popular New Year's resolutions are to get finances in order and to get in shape/lose weight.  Don't believe me? Visit your local gym on January 1st ;)  The problem with resolutions are that most of them are not attained. In fact, I would bet that most people give up on their resolutions within the first couple of months of the year.  Let's go over some tips on how to actually reach your fitness goals for 2015.


1. Don't make a resolution: Hear me out on this one...the reason why most people don't achieve their New Year's Resolutions is because it's not a habit or a lifestyle.  Making changes "cold turkey" is not easy.  What I am saying is, if you REALLY want to get in shape for 2015, why wait?  Start making healthy choices today and CONTINUE doing so throughout the year.


2. Get an accountability partner: It can be difficult for us to achieve our goals on our own, so I recommend getting an accountability partner to help keep you on track.  This can be a friend, a co-worker, a family member, or even your spouse.  Just be sure that whoever you select will actually keep you in line and remind you of your goals and, more importantly, your "why".


3. Get fit doing something you love: When starting a new fitness routine or regimen, it's best to find something that you like doing so it doesn't seem like WORKing out.  Make it fun (or as fun as you can). If you hate running, don't start a running routine.  If you can't stand lifting weights, don't start by doing a weight based program.  Find something that fits your strengths and interests. Beachbody has plenty of programs to fit just about any fitness preference. 


4. Set clear goals:  Another problem with most New Year's resolutions is that they are usually vague.  "This is my year!" or "I am finally gonna get in shape this year!" or "This is the year I lose weight!".  These are all great things, but what does "lose weight" mean?  Set a clear goal.  If you want to lose weight, write down exactly how many pounds you would like to lose and a plan to get there (ex: Hire personal trainer, join gym, purchase a Beachbody program).  If you want to get in shape, write down something tangible you can achieve, such as finishing a Beachbody program without hitting pause once ;)  To take your goal setting one step further, be sure to write down WHY you are trying to achieve these goals (ex: be able to play with kids, fit into old clothes, "wow" everybody at the reunion, etc). 


I hope these tips help you in 2015.  I am constently running challenge groups, so if you need some extra coaching and motivation, please join me here on Facebook:  Melissa McAllister

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