Digital marketing strategies for local businesses.

As every local agency knows, change is a constant in the world of digital marketing. Everything from the marketing channels you target to the local SEO software you use is evolving continuously. For brands to remain relevant and competitive, they must stay agile and keep up with emerging technologies and trends. Integrating these new approaches with timeless strategies is a tried and true way to succeed in today’s digital marketing environment.

What Local Marketing Strategies Are Working Right Now?

Recognizing the trends worth following and the strategies that are likely to provide positive results is a challenge. By working with local marketing experts like Advice Local, you can leverage proven tools and methods trusted by a wide range of partners and sites. Here are some of the strategies we recommend using today.

Embrace Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools help agencies streamline the management of client websites and Google Business Profiles (GBP), as well as other platforms. By integrating technology you can improve efficiency, automate tasks and make data-driven decisions. Take our own listing management software and directory network as an example. Rather than expending time and money in building such a network, you can simply tap into our finely-tuned solution.

Choose Quality Over Quantity

Whether you’re building citations or creating content, Google and other platforms have made it clear that quality will be rewarded over quantity. If your approach to promoting a local business client involves getting citations from every available directory, that tactic needs to be reconsidered. Instead, build links with high-quality authority sites and only publish content that offers value to the target audience.

Target Consumers Wherever They Are Active

Online marketing helps businesses reach customers where they are most responsive. For example, a local company will benefit from reaching those nearby who are searching via GPS mapping or in-dash apps. Whether conducting local searches or checking reviews, understanding where consumers are active makes it easier to reach them.

Use Omnichannel Marketing

A consistent marketing strategy over multiple channels provides an uninterrupted customer experience. You want consumers to see a cohesive brand identity across a business website, social media, search engines, business directories and mobile apps. Consequently, they will develop a stronger connection with the brand, and this leads to increased trust, loyalty and conversions.

Optimize for Voice Search

In recent years the way that people search for businesses and information has evolved (and this change is on-going). Voice searches using virtual assistants typically reward more conversational content. Voice app technology helps you manage clients’ content for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and others.

Don’t Limit Your Marketing to Google

There’s an understandable tendency to focus digital marketing efforts exclusively on Google as Google Search, Maps and GBP are crucial for local business marketing. However, don’t miss out on the many additional options – local directories like BubbleLife, DexKnows, Bing Places for Business and Yelp, along with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Guard Your Business’ Reputation

A business’ online reputation is more important than ever. Poor reviews and a diminished brand reputation will impact visibility in Google, and make customers think twice when deciding which product or service to buy. A review monitoring tool gives a direct insight into customer sentiment, and also lets you clean up many issues with quick review responses.

Top Digital #Marketing Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Top-Rated Local SEO Software for Digital Brands

At Advice Local, we create cutting-edge software for agencies and local marketers. From listing management to review monitoring, our products help businesses get more traffic and protect their brand reputation. To get started, call (214) 310-1356 or request a demo.

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Free online marketing strategies.

Every day, businesses of all types – from small startups to large corporations – use marketing and advertising to reach new customers. You might think that any serious advertising strategy comes with a high price tag, but many agencies leveraging quality listing management services can attest otherwise. In reality, free or low-cost approaches (such as business listings or social media) can put brands directly in front of their target audiences. Let’s explore how an effective online marketing strategy works.

Top Online Marketing Strategies for Businesses

Whether it’s increased reach, cost-effective customer acquisition, fast results or increased conversion rates, the benefits of online marketing are undeniable. While many strategies exist, the following methods offer a reliable and cost-effective approach for local businesses.

Google Business Profile Optimization

Any successful local marketing strategy must prioritize Google Business Profile (GBP). Agencies managing a client’s GBP will need to optimize every available section, including adding high-quality images, setting relevant categories and of course, ensuring that name, address and phone number are up-to-date and accurate.

  • Create a keyword-rich description, including relevant location and industry terms.

Create GBP Posts

GBP Posts allow businesses to keep customers informed via quick updates. You can add images, engaging content and a call to action, with the post appearing in Google Search and Maps when a user clicks the business’ link.

  • Aim to post new GBP Posts at least every month to maintain consistency.

Schedule GBP Event

Events are an essential marketing tool for a business, helping drive interest and build anticipation. GBP makes it easy to add an event, with options for start and end times, a written description, a photo and a call-to-action button.

  • Create events based on local or seasonal trends to increase engagement.

Add Regular GBP Offers

Providing discounts, coupons and limited-time promotions is a well-established tactic for promoting a business. If the GBP Offer is compelling and demonstrates value to customers, it will almost certainly increase conversion rates.

  • Create urgency or scarcity in an offer to encourage consumers to take immediate action.

Make Use of Bing Offers

Bing Places for Business is similar to GBP in that you have the opportunity to promote deals and discounts. While Bing Offers will not command the same audience as Google’s equivalent, Bing users are typically more affluent and often eager to buy.

  • Experiment with offers like coupons, free shipping or new customer discounts.

Promote via Social Media

The volume of social media users means that there are always opportunities to reach an audience. While social media marketing is highly competitive, it’s an effective way to brand your company and engage directly with people.

  • Repurpose blog articles and video content to create engaging social media posts.

Build Citations for Local Search Marketing

SEO remains the best free advertising method for reaching large audiences. Building citations is crucial to SEO for every local business, as citation building ensures that business data is accurately distributed to the relevant listing platforms. Of course, Advice Local offers support in every aspect of listing management, including our Enhanced GBP Tool for Agencies.

  • Only work with curated networks that prioritize premium directories.

Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content is one of the best free online marketing methods for businesses. From reviews and testimonials to customers showcasing products, user-generated content creates social proof and increases brand awareness.

  • Use tools to monitor and respond to reviews for increased customer satisfaction.

How Online #Marketing Helps Businesses by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Partner With Us to Access Expert Online Marketing Strategies

Advice Local helps agencies increase local search visibility and secure new customers with proven online marketing strategies. To access listing management services and review monitoring, GBP tools and more, speak with our team today. Call (214) 310-1356 or request a demo now.

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Business listing management reseller.

As digital marketing becomes increasingly competitive, local marketers and agencies must continue to find innovative ways to offer value to clients. High-quality listing management services are an ever-present part of this process that helps businesses optimize their local presence. An effective way to leverage the power of this strategy today is to become a business listing management reseller.

What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Business Listing Management Reseller?

A business listing management reseller partners with an established business like Advice Local to sell a comprehensive suite of local SEO and directory tools. Whether you’re a new local marketer wanting access to cutting-edge tools for your clients or an established agency looking for an edge, choosing to resell existing services is often the smart move. Let’s examine some of the benefits of reselling agency solutions.

Take Advantage of the Demand for Local SEO

The growth of local search has dramatically changed how businesses reach customers. Even small local stores can benefit from an online presence, as customers search for more information and reviews before visiting. But simply having a presence is not enough – you need complete listings with optimization and updates. For instance, this data from Google indicates that customers are 70% more likely to visit a business with a complete Google Business Profile. As a reseller, you can capitalize on this need for listing management with first-rate services.

Expand Your Business Services

Many businesses prefer to purchase local search and listing management services from a single provider. Resellers can position themselves as a one-stop shop for digital services by leveraging Advice Local’s suite of products. When your existing services are not fully meeting client needs, it might be time to shop business listing management providers.

Earn Recurring Income

Due to the need for monitoring and updates, resellers of local presence management services can operate with a recurring subscription model. Because business listing submission, optimization and modification are not one-time tasks, a reseller with a list of clients can achieve longer-term financial stability from monthly payments.

Avoid Expensive Development Costs

Business listing management services require ongoing development costs to keep up with platform changes. For most local marketers and agencies, the upfront expense of building a distribution engine (with its recurring management costs) is prohibitively expensive. It’s far easier to partner with a dedicated provider, so you can focus on client acquisition and customer service, along with other aspects.

Stand Out in a Competitive Market

Businesses interested in local marketing services have plenty of choices. However, with the right tools and track record it’s still possible to stand out. At Advice Local, our resellers gain access to a comprehensive listing network of search engines, premium directories, mapping app platforms and more. We’re also meticulous with our listing submission approach, using both APIs and manual submissions.

Scale Your Digital Agency

To scale a digital agency you need to deliver a consistently high standard of service for an expanding client base. Resellers get access to a finely tuned listing distribution system and are able to submit and modify listings in real time. Local SEO software of this kind ensures that agencies can provide the same level of service even as client numbers grow.

Why Local #Marketers Should Become Business Listing #Resellers by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Become a Business Listing Management Reseller Today

Advice Local develops leading listing management solutions used to dominate local search. If selling business listing management services is a good fit for your local marketing brand or digital agency, contact us to see how we can help. Call (214) 310-1356 or request a demo now.

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Review monitoring tool features.

Reviews are the cornerstone of local marketing, helping build trust with consumers, increase search visibility – and a whole lot more. With the release of our new Review Monitoring Tool we have simplified many of the processes that go into review management, allowing agencies to save time and deliver more for their clients. But why exactly is review monitoring so important, and how does our tool help?

What Is Advice Local’s Review Monitoring Tool?

The Review Monitoring Tool is a new feature in the Advice Local dashboard. Agency partners can track client reviews at a glance, accessing customer feedback on numerous review platforms. With valuable data and notifications, users have the information needed to monitor customer sentiment and take appropriate action.

Main Features of Our Review Monitoring Tool

The tool’s features are designed to help you move fast, based on data that really matters.

Multi-Platform Review Monitoring

The tool collects reviews from a range of sources including Google, Yelp, Judy’s Book, Brownbook, ShowMeLocal and more. Users can get a broad overview of aggregate scores or drill down to a specific platform.

Why You Need to Monitor Multiple Platforms

Reviews are important for local SEO, acting as a signal of authority and trustworthiness. Monitoring various sites lets agencies and businesses develop an overall picture of customer sentiment and identify platforms that need more promotion.

Respond to Customers

All new customer reviews are added into the dashboard with a link that takes you directly to the platform. This convenience makes it easy to respond to customers.

Why You Should Respond to Customer Reviews

Replying to both positive and negative reviews is crucial for a brand’s reputation. With a fast response, it’s often possible to resolve a negative experience, secure repeat business – and signal to other consumers that the company values its customers and engages with them.

Data Analysis

The Review Monitoring Tool collects usable data, including an overall review score, ratings (in the last 30 days and over six months), a recency score and more. A quick glance at the dashboard provides an immediate impression of brand reputation.

Why Review Data Matters

Data lets businesses identify issues and make smart decisions. Agencies can use the data to advise clients on improved review management strategies.

Scheduled Notifications

Users can set up daily, weekly or monthly notifications for all new reviews. Simply add an email to stay informed of all reviews for each client, and even message the client directly.

How Review Notifications Help Agencies

Notifications enable a fast response to reviews and the ability to address and resolve negative experiences. And as with all of our listing management services, agencies have a straightforward way to keep clients informed. Notifications automate client communication for those who want regular updates.

Accessing the Review Monitoring Tool Is Easy

To access the review monitoring tool, simply log in to your partner dashboard, select a business for which you have active listing distribution, then select the Review tab.

Advice Local's Review Monitoring Tool Overview

From there, you’ll want to select Configure Notifications to set up how you want to be notified when your client receives a new review.

Advice Local's Review Monitoring Tool Configuration

This review monitoring solution will better equip your clients to respond quickly to negative and positive reviews.

How to Automate Review Monitoring and Why It Matters by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Try Our Review Monitoring Tool for Agencies and Local Marketers

At Advice Local, we create local presence marketing tools that agencies love. Try our Review Monitoring Tool and comprehensive dashboard solution today. Call (214) 310-1356 or request a demo.

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Owning local business presence

In today’s world of hyperconnectivity and information on demand, owning a business’ local presence has never been more important. For digital agencies that run local clients’ search marketing, everything from a business website to listing management services must be accessible and adjustable in real-time.

In reality, any company that neglects this aspect of local marketing is unfortunately subject to the whims of Google, listing platforms, reviewers and bad data. Let’s examine why agencies should focus resources on owning local presence, and how Advice Local can help you achieve it.

Why Owning Local Presence Is Crucial for Local Businesses

If you represent a marketing agency, one of the first principles you likely instill in your clients is the importance of owning and controlling their local presence. There are several reasons for this requirement.

Accuracy and Consistency

Owning local listings and social media profiles ensures that the business information remains accurate and consistent. And consistent NAP (name, address and phone number) data is critical for building trust with consumers – and for local SEO.

Brand Image Control

When a business owns its online platforms, it can control its branding and messaging. The projected image will align with the company’s values and goals, and positively influence consumer perception.

Customer Engagement

Owning a local presence allows businesses to engage with their customers through reviews, comments and social media interactions, improving brand loyalty and providing valuable feedback.

Flexibility and Responsiveness

The flexibility to quickly adapt to changes helps your local clients respond to business and industry shifts. From rebranding or changing addresses to circulating up-to-the-minute information, you need to control a local network.

The Consequences of Not Controlling A Business’ Local Presence

Without question, local presence matters to local businesses. Sadly, we regularly hear from agency partners forced to spend valuable time regaining lost ownership of a client’s Google Business Profile, Bing Places, Yelp and other listings. Here’s just a few of the downsides of not owning a local presence.

  • Inaccurate data across multiple listings offers a poor user experience and potential SEO penalties.
  • Brands suffer reputational damage if they can’t respond to reviews and customer feedback.
  • Local businesses will likely lose sales if their local presence appears static and unresponsive.
  • Third parties could claim listings and misrepresent the brand using incorrect information or false claims.

How Our Agency Partners Help Local Businesses Own Their Local Presence

As you can see, local presence ownership is simply a must for local businesses. But for an agency, claiming and managing an entire local network is a challenge – and here’s where Advice Local can help.

Our partner dashboard gives you access to a substantial network of data aggregators, directories and other sites, including our business listings sales tool. All the credentials for the listings we create are available in the partner dashboard (and can be downloaded via export).

For your security, we are never required to be the only admin of an account – you control access to a business’ Google Business Profile through your login, and access can be removed at any time.

In brief, we help your business clients to own their local presence – and put your agency in charge through our dashboard solution.

The Importance of Owning #Local Presence for a Business by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Professional Local Presence Management Tools for Agencies

The Advice Local partner dashboard contains the tools you need to help your local business clients succeed. If you want to take control of local presence management, Advice Local is here to help. And to try our partner dashboard, request a demo now or call (214) 310-1356.

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Google ranking factors for local marketers

For digital agencies, identifying where to invest your resources into local SEO is a common challenge. At Advice Local, our Enhanced Google Business Profile Tool helps agency partners make the most of their time with streamlined solutions. However, doing more with less is not restricted to tools and services – you also need to understand the ranking factors that underpin the search results.

What Are Google Ranking Factors?

A ranking factor is a page or website element that increases visibility in Google’s search results. In theory, optimizing for these 200 or more factors should increase your clients’ search presence. However, in practice, the complexities of the search algorithm mean that interpretation of the critical factors is what will drive results for your clients.

7 Things Agencies Should Know About Google’s 200 Ranking Factors

Backlinko recently compiled a list of Google’s 200 ranking factors for 2023. Here at Advice Local, we want to give our agency partners some recommendations for the factors that will likely matter to local clients.

1. Think Beyond the Business’ Website

While many ranking factors are specific to a business’ website, they will also impact its placement in the local pack, organic search and Google Maps. Look to apply concepts like user interaction and brand signals to your client’s entire network of directory sites, blogs, social platforms and more.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • Rankbrain – Machine learning interprets true user intent using location, personalization and word choice.
  • Local Searches – Local business listings usually take priority in a search with local intent.

2. User Interaction Matters

How users interact with a website or business listing will influence search results. If a searcher clicks on a listing and immediately leaves, this implies the result was low quality or irrelevant. To counter this, prioritize the user experience in design, content quality and usability.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • Content Depth – Pages covering a topic in-depth outperform less informative content.
  • Dwell Time – Google tends to reward pages that keep visitors engaged longer.

3. Pay Attention to On-Page Factors

On-page factors are a quick and easy opportunity to improve your clients’ search performance. You may remember that on-page optimization was one of our local search ranking factors that matter in 2023. Thankfully, meta descriptions and titles are within your control, and can be optimized around a target keyword and the user experience.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • Page Loading Speed – Google and Bing expect fast-loading pages for an optimal experience.
  • LSI Keywords – Related keywords on a website, Google Business Profile (GBP) and listing sites can help with ranking.

4. Freshness and Recency

Across many keywords, Google wants to deliver fresh results to searchers. For your local clients this means developing new, updated content on the business blog, GBP Posts, social platforms and more. In addition, make sure to audit old content and update information to add freshness and recency.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • Historical Page Updates – The number of updates to a page contributes to freshness.
  • Page Age – Google often prefers older pages with fresh updates.

5. Consider E-A-T in Content Development

Google E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) are key factors in everything you publish online. From blog content to listing posts, Google wants to deliver accurate, insightful and reliable results. Across your client’s entire web footprint, think about how you are projecting expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • E-A-T – Google assesses E-A-T metrics across a range of industries.
  • Link Authority – Think carefully about the authority of linking pages and domains when distributing business data.

6. Backlinks Are Still Essential

While there is still much debate about the importance of backlinks in 2023, they remain crucial ranking factors for Google. Prioritize high-quality, relevant backlinks and your clients can secure multiple search positions via the local pack and organic results.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • “Expected” Websites – Google uses data to assess websites they expect to link to a page.
  • Co-Occurrences – Think about the words surrounding the anchor text to give it relevancy.

7. Take Directory Links Seriously

Directory links are an essential part of SEO, especially for local businesses. In 2023, low-quality directory links are considered webspam and could result in a penalty. If you need assistance with high-quality directory placement, our listing management services can help.

Ranking Factors to Consider:

  • Low-Quality Links – Links from inferior websites may lead to a ranking penalty.
  • Diversity of Link Sources – Don’t rely on a single backlink source for your clients’ platforms.

What Agencies Should Know About #Google’s 200 Ranking Factors by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Access Listing Management Services and GBP Tools for Agencies Today

Advice Local provides agencies and digital marketers with best choice local marketing tools and services. From our Enhanced GBP Tool to our Data Amplifier Network, we help our partners increase their clients’ local presence. Would you like to try our comprehensive dashboard solution? Then request a demo today, or call (214) 310-1356.

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new sales tool website widget

We’re excited to announce a new addition to our local presence management product suite – the sales tool website widget. Our latest innovation focuses on helping our agency and marketing partners get more sales. As listings management is one of the more important local marketing strategies, it also helps improve local visibility for your brick-and-mortar and service area business clients. Simply put, listings management is one of the easier ways to generate income for your agency.

Using our sales tool website widget, site visitors can run a free online visibility report directly on your website. You’ll receive the prospect’s contact information and Baseline Report in your partner dashboard as a widget lead, and the prospect will receive a white label report in their email – with your logo and wording included.

How Does Our Sales Tool Website Widget Benefit Your Agency?

Through passive sales generation it’s possible to build a customer base, increase trust and credibility, plus drive traffic via worthwhile prospects. Before long, a quality prospect can turn into a valued customer.

We all understand that sales generation equals long-term growth and revenue. And both of these become more attainable when you utilize the proper resources, like the latest sales tool from Advice Local.

As you focus on the importance of leads and sales generation, you might ask how utilizing this brand-new sales tool website widget could benefit you. We’ll explain how Advice Local’s sales widget can make your job easier overall.

1. Increased Revenue

Businesses focus on new customers to increase revenue. Essentially, every lead is a prospective customer – it’s simply a matter of selling them your services and turning them into a paying customer. By generating leads directly on your website (with little to no interaction necessary) the widget will streamline the sales generation process, allowing partners to focus their efforts on closing more deals and opening new accounts.

2. Business Opportunities

It’s safe to say that even the best account managers and sales professionals will miss out on a market opportunity at some point. After all, you just cannot be everywhere at once. But with the sales widget implemented directly on your website, prospective clients come to you. This method opens the doors for new business opportunities.

3. Improve Sales Quality

Securing a prospect with a cold call or an email is a gamble, as the business may not be open to your services. But through our sales widget, the potential client is actively showing interest. They came to your website, took time to fill out the information to receive their free online visibility report and then submitted their business information. Businesses like these will represent a higher-quality sale overall.

Our Latest Sales Tool Makes Closing New Business Easy

Advice Local aims to offer simple, effective marketing solutions for our partners. With our latest sales widget, you can:

  • Boost sales by allowing you to focus efforts on the client, and less on cold-calling prospects.
  • Enjoy total website integration, with the tool displaying directly on the web page in an open or expanding box – and with your agency’s sales copy and logo front and center.
  • Get a full data report submitted directly to the partner dashboard – and ensure it’s easier than ever to follow up with a lead.
  • Every prospect will receive a copy of their online visibility report sent directly to their email inbox, opening the door to your future emails.

Here at Advice Local, ensuring that our agency and local marketing partners have the tools and resources to better assist their clients is our priority. It’s our practice to improve, innovate and offer marketing solutions and sales tools designed to solve your problems effectively.

Meet Our #SalesTool #Website Widget for Agency Partners by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Get Our New Sales Tool Website Widget for Your Agency Today

Our sales widget is one more solution aimed at securing new business and turning prospects into long-time customers. For more information on our sales widget for your website, or a peek into our partner dashboard, request a free demo today by calling (214) 310-1356.

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High-quality directory listings for citations

The primary objective of local SEO is to increase the visibility of a business in the places consumers spend their time. For the agencies tasked with helping companies meet this goal, listing management services are among the effective options available. Leveraging free search engine listings and directories is a low-cost method that has worked for years – and there’s no sign of that changing. But with platforms offering varying quality levels, what listing platforms should you prioritize?

The Top Free Search Engine Listings and Directories

As we have discussed previously, it’s true that all directories are not created equal. In brief, listing your clients’ businesses on the best quality platforms will lead to better search placements and more targeted traffic. However, when you choose low-quality listings sites your clients could be penalized. Here are the sites that deliver for our Advice Local partners right now.

Google Local Search

Naturally, the local pack and Google Maps are the obvious choices that top our list. Note that both are powered by the Google Business Profile (GBP). Every local business is vying for visibility in the local map pack and a leading organic search result. Reaching these top spots could transform results for a business. And if you’re familiar with Advice Local, you’ll know that we offer Enhanced GBP Tools to take Google listings management to the next level.

Bing Places for Business

While Bing might not have the user base of Google, it is still committed to innovating the search industry and commands a sizable audience. Know that Bing Places is essential in building a presence on Bing Maps and mobile platforms. In addition, Microsoft reports that 54% of searchers use Bing for online product research.

Apple Maps

Apple has continued to improve its Apple Maps service, making it one of the key listings platforms that agencies should consider. As the default mapping platform on Apple devices, businesses can reach iPhone users conducting searches while in close proximity to their premises.


One of the top reasons to love local citations is their importance in hyperlocal search marketing, and Nextdoor is among the best examples of hyperlocal citations. This hugely popular platform shows users the businesses within their neighborhood – and you can get your clients listed with Advice Local’s listing management services.


Yelp’s reputation as an authoritative business directory means it is trusted by consumers. A comprehensive listing on Yelp can often achieve a prominent search engine listing by itself, helping businesses dominate a keyword phrase. As with the other listing platforms, accuracy and consistency of business data are required to help your clients’ search visibility.

Additional Listing Services

While these platforms are among the most recognized, many more are trusted sources of information and have significant user bases. For our agency partners, these authority sites are all included within our Data Amplifier Network.

Why is this important? Well, a key benefit of local listing management software is the ability to distribute data quickly, accurately and for a low cost. When you consider the alternative approach – spending considerable time researching the authority of a directory and then manually submitting the information – you’ll soon see the advantages of partnering with a listing management service.

The Most Important Free #SearchEngine Listings & #Directories by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Trusted Listing Management Services for Agencies

At Advice Local, we help agencies and local marketing partners deliver for their clients with our best choice listing management services. We provide citation building, enhanced GBP services, voice apps and so much more. To get started, call (214) 310-1356  or request a demo today.

The post The Most Important Free Search Engine Listings & Directories appeared first on Advice Local.

Directory listings for small businesses

Everyone involved in local search marketing is constantly looking for the next big SEO strategy. So, it’s really no surprise that citation building using listing management services doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. However, citations are fundamental to most local SEO strategies and have been delivering traffic, sales and search visibility for years. To understand why some agencies don’t prioritize listing management, it’s important to look at the varying quality of the directories that are out there.

Why Quality Beats Quantity in Listing Management

Consider this – if two separate businesses both pursue a strategy of citation building on directory sites, how is it possible for them to have such wildly differing results? In all likelihood, you can link the outcomes to the quality of directories being used to promote each business.

Essentially, Google and other search engines value consistent data on quality, relevant platforms. This is exactly why agencies need to submit their clients’ businesses to authoritative listings sites – sites that deliver results.

The Main Features of Quality Directories

From local and vertical directories to maps and premier quality platforms, there’s no shortage of places to build citations. Here are some of the main features found in quality directories.

Spam-Free Directories

As many agencies have discovered the hard way, listings management services are not created equal. Submitting to a vast number of low-quality platforms filled with spam listings will not benefit a business, and could even lead to less prominence in search results. Recognizing this, our Data Amplifier Network at Advice Local contains only reputable directories backed by analysis.

Niche-Specific Sites

Google places a significant weight on relevance when determining which sites get local pack and organic placements. In fact, along with proximity and prominence, relevance is one of the big three local SEO ranking factors. With listings on niche-specific sites, demonstrating this relevance is possible in many industries. For example, our network contains various legal and healthcare vertical directories.

Relevant Categories

Of course, many businesses will not have a wide choice of niche directories to choose from. However, they can still benefit from categories within broader directories. In the highest-quality platforms you can expect to find relevant categories – and a moderation team that prevents inaccurate classifications.

Location-Based Elements

As mentioned, proximity is a crucial metric in local SEO. Therefore, your local clients will benefit from directory features that pinpoint a business’ location. Integrating a map within the listing is practical – and a valuable sales tool. In addition, because consumers use platforms like Judy’s Book and Nextdoor to research local businesses, you need to ensure your clients are listed there.

The Problems With Prioritizing Quantity of Directories

There are many reasons to love local citations, but if the quality is lacking don’t be tempted by the quantity of directories.

  • Low-quality directory listings build a lack of trust with the search engines.
  • Consider the future negative impact of a mediocre directory without management.
  • Managing a substantial number of listings is tough without a quality listing management service.
  • A broad approach is more likely to result in bad data distribution that harms search visibility.
  • Authority and relevance are hard to achieve when prioritizing quantity over quality.

All Directories Are Not Created Equal by @BernieColeman #SEO
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Access the Top Listing Management Services and Directory Network

Advice Local operates the best listing management services for agencies and local marketing partners. Our services include citation building, voice search readiness, white-label reports and the leading business data distribution network. To see for yourself, call (214) 310-1356  or request a demo now.

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Local SEO for digital agencies

As all successful agency owners know, a consistent local SEO strategy is vital for increasing search visibility. At Advice Local, we have long promoted the benefits of local listing management software, citation building and other proven SEO methods. But as you are probably aware, SEO takes time – and the more complex the strategy, the less profit an agency typically retains. Today we’re offering an alternative way to create an SEO strategy that requires minimal maintenance, yet delivers client satisfaction and profitable returns.

The Critical Elements of a Local SEO Strategy

The best local SEO strategies integrate personalized methods (content creation and social media strategies tailored for each client) with streamlined services (real-time data distribution and hands-off citation building). Here are the main elements of a local SEO strategy for small business clients.

Optimize Business Listings

In the past, agencies could rely on a set-and-forget approach to business listings. Today however, with Google and others aiming to deliver up-to-the-minute information to searchers, the GBP (Google Business Profile), Bing Places, as well as similar platforms need more direct involvement. While each directory does vary, here are some recommendations for a GBP listing.

  • Add NAP, opening hours, a description and attributes.
  • Maintain consistent data using our GBP Sync tool.
  • Add high-quality images that showcase the business.
  • Create Google Posts featuring offers, events and updates.
  • Respond to every customer review, positive and negative.
  • Monitor profile quality with our Google Authority Score.

Take Advantage of Data Aggregators

When it comes to understanding local SEO, it’s critical to truly grasp the concept that Google, Bing and others strongly want to avoid conflicting business data. When search engines can’t determine the exact location of a business, they are quite reluctant to give it prominence. Fortunately, you can avoid instances of bad data by syndicating consistent information to every significant listing platform.

To help accomplish this, Advice Local uses data aggregators to distribute your clients’ information to every important search engine, directory and mobile app. And if that data needs to be changed, our real-time solution gets the job done.

Use GPS and Mapping Apps

From smartphones to in-dash navigation, it has never been easier for people to reach local businesses while on the move. When consumers look up a local store they could easily be making a purchase – within minutes. Consequently, any serious local SEO strategy must incorporate GPS and mapping apps. You can submit your clients’ data manually or use our GPS accelerators for straightforward syndication.

Simplified Reporting

As an agency reporting back to clients, you must not overlook the reporting aspect of local SEO. Companies want to know what you’ve done and how the strategy is working. Thankfully, by partnering with the right local SEO software company you will benefit from automated reporting. Clients receive a detailed monthly SEO report – complete with your agency branding.

Get Found With Voice Search

We’ve intentionally left this critical component of a local SEO strategy until last. But just because voice search doesn’t get enough attention, you certainly should not be among those ignoring it. As part of a collection of listing management services, voice search optimization reaches Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Google Home and other uses in your clients’ local areas. And while you might not know it yet, at Advice Local we let you create voice apps in moments – directly through our dashboard solution.

Create a Local #SEO Strategy for Your Small Business Clients by @BernieColeman #Marketing
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Simple Local SEO for Marketers and Digital Agencies

Advice Local helps agency clients streamline their SEO and local marketing strategies with high-quality tools. Our listing management software offers simple solutions for local presence management. To see for yourself, request a demo now or call (214) 310-1356.

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