
Have you ever had that feeling that something was happening for "Such A Time As This"? You don't always know at the time but the atmosphere is changing, something is causing a shift, and it's for the better.  I have had these moments that have been life-changing, sometimes life-altering, but there was a resilience within me that says, there is more, there is better and you must not stop, keep pushing forward because whatever this is "It's bigger than You". LIFT R&R stands for Laboring in the Field Together Resources and Referrals and it was brought from a vision to now in our 5th year of Nonprofit work because of tragedy! Losing my husband of 19 years in our house fire, caused me to look for grief resources for my teenager and myself. Finding it difficult, I stumbled across and ChristianWorks DFW which offered a free 3-day grief camp for children 5-18 during the summer for 100 kids who had lost their loved ones. It was in the search that I realized that although nonprofits were around, they didn't always have the marketing dollars and exposure to highlight the remarkable work they did. God laid it on my heart to become the bridge to help them overcome that barrier. You can learn more about what we do at but I knew that this was Bigger than me and others needed the resources we would be able to provide. 

There are a few times in my life that I have heard an audible voice that changed the direction of my life. One of those times was in 1999 when I felt the only way out was to end my life, but God. 25 years later this February 22, I'm still here, after what could have been a very fateful day. Another time is when I wanted with all my heart to be a true worshipper in spirit and in truth, I wanted to connect with God in a way I never had before and so I asked him repeatedly to remind me of every bad thing, I had ever done so that I could remember how far he brought me and worship him. I asked with my whole heart that prayer for two consecutive weeks and I heard nothing. The third Sunday I asked it again, this time with tears pouring down my face. I asked him to remind me of every bad thing I had ever done from my childhood to adulthood so I could remember where he brought me from and I could worship him, but this time he answered and said " Don't worship me because I let you remember, worship me because I let you FORGET. Behold you are a new creature in Christ and I have made all things new". All things include you. I learned in that moment that I could ask sincerely for what I think is right but could be sincerely wrong. I wanted him to bring back to my memory any and everything I had done wrong, but that is not HIS Character. His character is one of love, forgiveness, and conviction with the desire to help us change for the better, not condemnation. I knew then that He was teaching me this lesson because it was bigger than me. I would have to share this lesson with others. The third time I heard his voice was when my big heart wanted to save someone I loved deeply from a life of consequences due to poor decisions. I couldn't fathom seeing them suffer the things their own decisions would cause. The more I helped, the more it didn't. Then God said, take your hands off of them, you are not their God, and as long as they call on you, they will never call on me and YOU CAN'T SAVE THEIR SOUL. I knew then that this too was him telling me that when we try to do the saving, they won't see a need to turn to the true savior, which certainly is not me, but God and the salvation he has given us through his son, Jesus Christ.  Despite my salvation almost 25 years ago, life is still lifing as the young folks say. I am not exempt from trials, disappointments, tragedies, or the loss of loved ones. I am however rooted and grounded in knowing that some things are just "Bigger Than Me" and I have learned to trust that even when I don't understand, and can't see the plan, and can't trace HIS hand, to Trust God's heart. He has brought me from a mighty long way and I will forever appreciate the lessons I learn daily as I journey through this space called LIFE. I will love, live, and be compassionate as I operate in HIS calling, wisdom, and gifts in my life until He calls me home because some things are Just Bigger Than Me. 

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